42 Button Quail eggs due in 7 days! Count down with me!

awesomefowl: I will be sure to post pictures when they hatch ... lots of them!
Were you wanting pictures of my grown birds?

quailladyoffortmyers: I was on your Blog, loved it!!!
Read threw all of it!
You have quiet a job.
42 button quail!! Whoa! Best luck, I hope they all hatch!

Quaillady- You have wonderful birds, I just looked at your blog and loved it! Will you have Maran eggs come spring? Sorry for hijacking the thread for a moment!
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Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

I really enjoyed reading threw it.

How many Buttons do you have? Is Stella still alive, poor thing!

The Button amount is a lot lol...I have 45 pairs and a lot of babies growing up (hatched out 100 the other day)...I don't keep all I hatch...mostly sell them.

Stella is alive a kicking
I so need a male button! I seem to have one of the rare females that will sit on eggs! I only have room for one though (they live in the house at the bottom of my finch cage) She is sitting on a whole bunch now but they will never hatch
Is there anyone that has a spare male near me? That would love to be a pampered pet?

I loved your site too Quail lady; and am thinking of getting some of your chicken eggs to hatch in spring with a few buttons thrown in if I dont find a boy for her this winter! Terri O
I sell Button quail eggs

How would they do if shipped to NY? I'm hatching some silkies soon, maybe afterwords I can hatch some Buttons.

I ship eggs everywhere
and they do well. I pack like fort knox. You may have issues unwrapping! But that is much better than jiggled eggs or broken ones
Customers have had awesome hatches.
Now you've got me thinking of button quail again!

How would a few do in a 50 gallon aquarium?

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