4th Annual BYC NYD Hatch-a-long

Raven wood
that is the coolest cabinet!!!OMG!!FRankly i would have a hard time putting my poopie chicks in it.! How did you get in to staple the hardware cloth on or iid it come that way?
Or did i post on the wrong post again..GEEZ
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Im sry bput the 2 u lost. the one i thought didnt make was the last to hatch this morning. I did help a lil bc it was weak. It couldnt bteak the shell so i pulled it nack a bit and waited for it to kuck out then in the brooder it went so i coyld set my silkies. Finally after losing 6 dozen in incubation i get a perfect hatch. Hot some really good advice and it worked out well. Kids were so excited. Glad i didn't disappoint them this time. I havr no clue ehat mine are nut i do know i do not have a white bird so i dnt understand why the yellow chicks have white feathering. Im cinfused on that.
that is odd!
how long before i should call it quits? i had one hatch but the rest are.....
Ho w long has it been? When did the one hatch?
Are they chicken eggs?
If so 21days but if your one hatchated at 21 then by 24 your eggs are gonners. probably Sometimes it is like that
. You might want to tap each egg see if it taps back then open the big end a crack just the shell not membrane see if nothing moves If its full formed and right by the hole then touch it if it doesnt move then its probably done for
.Keep chipping away so you can see how far they made it.You can learn a lot from eggtopsing your eggs.. someitmes if they are shipped geting one is all you get
They get too sccrambled in shipping OR if not shipped temp went too high or humidity was wrong at end too low? Usually Shirik wrapped and cant turn to hatch
congrats on our one...and soror yfo rthe others.. .
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Congrats to all on their hatches!

I'm calling it quits on my last unhatched Maran egg from my batch. I set 36, 22 were clears, 14 went to lockdown (should have been 13 though since I set 1 RIR egg that I know had quit around day 12) and 12 hatched. So, 12 out of 13 hatched (or 12/14 if you count the RIR). I have yet to eggtopsy the last unhatcher ... kinda hoping it was an early quitter rather than a late as I hate to think of them being hatch ready and then just not hatching, but oh well ... I have 12 lovely chicks that now have to live in my mudroom until April. Ahhhhh! What have I done! Photo of my brood to come once I set them in the big brooder cabinet ...

... which has progressed nicely (see below) I think. Still have to get the tray made, put in the heat lamp and attach the shelving unit (another recycled kitchen cabinet) to the top but ... what do you think? It has plexi-glass inserts for the windows (they are there now) to prevent drafts (which will be important since my dogs run in and out through the mudroom door (and it's winter). I'm going to add some knobs to the doors too. Not too shabby for an old kitchen sink cabinet and an old table top! When not in use as a brooder we will either use it as a recycle centre or a potting bench :) The front portion of the counter opens ... it was an old harvest table so we just turned it upside down with hinges up.

Looks like it is coming along beautifully. I love that the cat is interested it what might be going in there. Nice job!
i set on the eleventh of dec. at six pm central time. the one hatched on wed the 3rd, but i didn't want to quit on them yet.these are my own eggs from my chickens so no shipping issues, but we did have a couple of cold nights but the incubator never dropped below about 93. i know if they get to hot they cook.
if not then we'll try again later.
Did the New Years Day photo contest get judged yet? And mrheinz77 was talking about changing the calendar contest to just a photo contest but I never did see any changes on the contest page .. did this happen and if so was it judged yet? And where is the spreadsheet to enter our official hatch numbers? Sorry for all the questions, but I just can't seem to find this info anywhere (not for lack of trying either).
Not sure on the photo contest. The spreadsheet to put the number you hatched up should be around in about an hour. Just making sure no one wants something else on it before I post. If you win a hatching contest you will have to provide photo, but don't have to link it on my ss. Be kind about the spreadsheet, its the first one I have done so hopefully it wont implode :).
They were not part of the NYD Hatch.

These are the CL X CPs. I have 7 of them but the do not hold still for pictures:

Recently hatch pictures:

Monday, Almost 3 weeks old. One CL X CP and a Blue Barnie OE

They are crazy jumpers and flyers! I hope they calm down some later...

These are the Marans X EEs

The one in the back is starting to get copper in the neck--looks like a roo to me. They are three months old and there has been no crowing yet.
That isn't a lot of copper, you still could have 2 girls. I'd expect more combs at 3 mths from boys. But the OE's were more tricksy. Im used to straight combs adn most of these have a mix so I get confused. Olive got her 10 or so copper feathers fast so I thought she was a boy. When she didn't get any more I decided to keep her. 2 of her eggs hatched so far for the hatch a long.

Anything on the back or wings?

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