4th Annual BYC NYD Hatch-a-long

Quote: No color on the back or wings! and the wattle is still small on the one with red. If so, do I get another prize for hatching both of those eggs and both being Pullets?
I put off turning off the incubator when I did the eggtopsies. I still have one serama alive! The heat that killed all of the other eggs didn't get this one! It's one of my super secret seramas that CPL sent me. Wish me luck everyone. I think I'm going to need it.
i set on the eleventh of dec. at six pm central time. the one hatched on wed the 3rd, but i didn't want to quit on them yet.these are my own eggs from my chickens so no shipping issues, but we did have a couple of cold nights but the incubator never dropped below about 93. i know if they get to hot they cook.
if not then we'll try again later.

Below 95 degrees and you are looking at embryos(chicks) quitting. I usually give them until day 25 and then do the float test.
Raven wood
that is the coolest cabinet!!!OMG!!FRankly i would have a hard time putting my poopie chicks in it.! How did you get in to staple the hardware cloth on or iid it come that way?
Or did i post on the wrong post again..GEEZ

LOL, I was thinking the same thing, I could so use that for a cabinet somewhere in the house! Nice job!!
Congrats to all on their hatches!

I'm calling it quits on my last unhatched Maran egg from my batch. I set 36, 22 were clears, 14 went to lockdown (should have been 13 though since I set 1 RIR egg that I know had quit around day 12) and 12 hatched. So, 12 out of 13 hatched (or 12/14 if you count the RIR). I have yet to eggtopsy the last unhatcher ... kinda hoping it was an early quitter rather than a late as I hate to think of them being hatch ready and then just not hatching, but oh well ... I have 12 lovely chicks that now have to live in my mudroom until April. Ahhhhh! What have I done! Photo of my brood to come once I set them in the big brooder cabinet ...

... which has progressed nicely (see below) I think. Still have to get the tray made, put in the heat lamp and attach the shelving unit (another recycled kitchen cabinet) to the top but ... what do you think? It has plexi-glass inserts for the windows (they are there now) to prevent drafts (which will be important since my dogs run in and out through the mudroom door (and it's winter). I'm going to add some knobs to the doors too. Not too shabby for an old kitchen sink cabinet and an old table top! When not in use as a brooder we will either use it as a recycle centre or a potting bench :) The front portion of the counter opens ... it was an old harvest table so we just turned it upside down with hinges up.

I love this brooder!
They were not part of the NYD Hatch.

These are the CL X CPs. I have 7 of them but the do not hold still for pictures:

Recently hatch pictures:

Monday, Almost 3 weeks old. One CL X CP and a Blue Barnie OE

They are crazy jumpers and flyers! I hope they calm down some later...

These are the Marans X EEs

The one in the back is starting to get copper in the neck--looks like a roo to me. They are three months old and there has been no crowing yet.
Thanks for the pictures, Ron. = ) By the by I miss your daily updates.... : D
The ducks 2nd bath time!

We STILL have eggs hatching... there were three more Silkie chicks when we woke up this morning.
Still not a great hatch rate, but we still have ducklings to come. :)

Posting a link to my birds for sale just in case anyone is interested. I actually have a few more including a trio of runners I forgot to list.
I hope you find a home for everything. : )

~ Aspen
I'm done. The last little one I helped out, only needed the shell peeled off once, and out it came just about 20 mins. later! Glad I caught that..the blood vessels were almost gone, it was pipped on the underneath. That usually isn't a problem, not sure it that was it or not, all I know is that it was ready to hatch. Pictures later. 3 out of 5 that went into lock down. The two that didn't make it looked as though they quit pretty quick after lock down. We never know.

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