4th of July in my little town


9 Years
Feb 23, 2010
In my little town, it is called the Ice Cream Festival, and it supports
our fire department. Matter of fact almost everything we do supports
our fire department.

But this is called the Ice Cream Festival for the home made ice cream
ladies of town make. Ice Cream and other sweets. Oh yes, there will
be brownies for me. Even potato candy one person promises me.

This year my daughter will step up and make the various cheese cakes.
For that, I'm very proud of her. I made the decision many years ago to put
my roots down in this town. I do everthing I can to support my community,
and to be a valuable part of it. And I'm proud to see my daughter follow me
and begin to plant her own roots.

She has been planning this for some time, and practicing making the cheesecakes.
Getting pretty good at it, too.

But it's all about neighbors here. No carnival, no sideshows. Just neighbors enjoying
each other.

There will be fireworks along about dark.Wheelbarrow races, sack races...old timey
things in an old timey town.

We need to get our tent out this week and check it. Calling for possible rain, and the
town has one big tent. But I have a bigger one. So we'll set it up in addition to be ready.

I 'm always looking forward to the things our town does, and my being a part of it. Even
if my part is just picking up the trash after the party.

Spook...happy in his little town.
Sounds like a nice little place.What is the town name? In our town the neighbors hardly even talk. I have been side by side with these people for 5 years and not a peep from them.

Have fun spook!
I love homeade ice cream. My grandma makes it and thats where we are going this year(parents divorced gotta take turns) she's makin like 12 different flavors. Plus my unle puts on a good firework show.

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