4th Of July?


Dense Egg Goo
9 Years
Mar 22, 2010
Sacramento CA
How does everybody's chickens respond to 4th Of July, and New Years? Are they scared like some dogs and cats are? Should I keep them in their coops? Thanks for any info hope it isn't a dumb question heh. These are my first chickens never had them on fireworks holiday.

Edited to add: My EE is flighty at loud noises, what is the best way to handle it? Thanks
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We live right next to train tracks, have a large lawn to mow, ride a Harley, have kids, have a shooting backstop in the yard, and are constantly building things (as of late it is new coops), so our chickens are used to loud noises. It doesn't even phase them anymore. Depending on how much noise you have around, yours might not like fireworks or things along those lines.
I am assuming there will be fireworks/gunshots throughout 4th of July. Does anybody have any tips they do? Or is everybody else's chickens okay with fireworks and such? Thanks again, I am not sure how hot it will be that day if I end up keeping them in the coop I will have to jimmy rig up some kind of cooling system.
MY birds have never even budged from thier foraging while my BIL and his friends were shooting Machine Guns and elephant rifles .. I would think it wont bother them much ....

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