4week old ducklings getting splayed legs


Aug 11, 2019
Hey, I let some of my four week old ducklings outside for the first time two days ago, yesterday I noticed some of them were getting splayed legs, their stomachs were in a heap and their legs were sticking out behind them. They’re still very energetic, trying to run around, but can’t because they are unable to stand up, I took a the ones who looked like this and put them under a brooder, in case they had just gotten cold shock, expecting them to be okay in the morning. But when I went out to them this morning they were all still in this state, it’s about ten out of 40ducklings and the other 20 I left inside are all perfect. Is there anything I can do to help them? I’ve never had this happen to my ducks before. They were all taken off chick crumb a week ago and put onto oats, wasting and drinking well still.
Hi there! :welcome Welcome to BYC! I know this may sound wrong, but you can take a small hair tye and cut a small piece of straw that and stick in the middle. Then put the hair tye on the ducklings' legs and they have a homemade brace! Do you have a photo of the ducklings? It could be the oats, but was it all of the ducklings you took off the feed?
I believe they still need niacin in their diet. A lack of niacin frequently causes leg problems. Get them chick feed again if possible until 8-10 weeks old. Some smashed peas will provide some niacin for now, but I wouldn't rely on them as the chick starter is a fully balanced diet that also has protein, fats, and other bitterness they need aside from the niacin.
I believe they still need niacin in their diet. A lack of niacin frequently causes leg problems. Get them chick feed again if possible until 8-10 weeks old. Some smashed peas will provide some niacin for now, but I wouldn't rely on them as the chick starter is a fully balanced diet that also has protein, fats, and other bitterness they need aside from the niacin.
Yeah I kept mine on the duck feed until they were adults

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