5 gallon office water cooler style for chickens?


8 Years
May 24, 2011
Central PA
This question has probably been asked here before so please forgive the redundancy in me asking again... but... has anyone ever seen a waterer for a chicken coop/run using a similar setup as the one used in offices with the 5 gallon water jug upside down? Are they available for a chicken operation out of the box or would I need to get a bottle and MacGuyver the rest of it?

Based on what I've read here, maintaining a fresh water supply for the flock seems to be one of the more labor-intensive tasks involved. Any suggestions and/or tips (and pictures) would be greatly appreciated.

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It would be much easier to just use a 5 gallon fountain MADE for chickens.

The type you're talking about has a small opening which will make it nearly impossible to clean, and will require lifting everytime you refill it, as well as spilling some when you flip it over.

I see no advantage to trying to design a system based on that type of bottle when there are proven easier designs that work
Get a large shallow rubber feed pan, drill a couple holes around the rim to a 5 gallon bucket (about 2.5 inches from the rim, fill the bucket, lay the pan over the top and flip! Instant waterer and you can reuse the bucket later.
what they both said.

They DO make those type waterers for dogs. I've used the small/medium ones for teenage chicks, but only for a couple of weeks until they were tall enough to use the adult's water buckets. They do get dirty and they do grow algae in them and you can't exactly clean the inside of the bottle very well.
I would NOT want to pick up the 5gal size bottle every time it needed refilling. That's 40# or a little better.

ETA: You just think watering your flock is "labor intensive" if you have a garden hose in your yard. Buy more hose and string it out to the coop if that would help you. My chickens live 3 miles from me and there is NO water on the property. I haul them water. 5 gallons, at least every other day. After trying several methods, I've settled on recycled 1-gallon OJ bottles. Easier to carry and pour it 8lbs at a time. I've tried several waterers too. I use regular open 8qt Fortiflex buckets for them to drink out of. Easy to clean, easy to fill and fairly easy to bust ice out of.
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I've been using the copper pennies trick in the water, and no algae, not even on very hot days. And I only change the water every 3-4 days. Your mileage may vary...
In a back issue of Countryside magazine (you may have to search on their website) someone did that by putting a five gallon bucket with holes in the bottom over the water cooler jug, flipping it over and then setting in a hog pan. The man who made it said it was nice because it was easier to flip with the bucket (less spilling) and when the water cooler gets empty it will float in the bucket so you can see from a distance that it needs refilling before it is all the way empty.
I bought a "poultry fount" that is similar to the water cooler thingie, in that the bottle is filled with the small bottle type opening up, you place a cover/bottom over it and lock it into place, turn the thing over and the water fills the bottom section, which has cut-outs for the poultry to stick their heads into to drink.

I bought it for my ducks, since they need deeper water to clear their nares.

The thing is a pain in the behind. I hate it. I have other waterers I like much better, but when it's really hot out, I put out EVERY waterer I have for the flock.

I also bought a smaller version of the same thing, figuring it would be easier to maneuver, and it is... but that means it needs to be filled more frequently.

Five gallon buckets with nipples or a hose to a PVC pipe with nipples in it work a whole lot better. Not for ducks, but for chickens. Although I have seen my ducks take drinks from the nipples! They still need deeper water in which to submerge their bills, though.
I bought a "poultry fount" that is similar to the water cooler thingie, in that the bottle is filled with the small bottle type opening up, you place a cover/bottom over it and lock it into place, turn the thing over

All mine have lids that unscrew, and can be filled from the top.

I use a hose, and don't have to lift them at all

They come in several sizes

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All mine have lids that unscrew, and can be filled from the top.

I use a hose, and don't have to lift them at all

They come in several sizes


Do you just hose out the bottom part to clean it? i have the kind you have to turn upside down (hate it-I always spill gross water on myself taking it out of the coop) and they get a lot of something in the bottom tray thing. I think food but maybe bedding (I do have it on 2 sets of bricks).

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