5 week old Buff Orpingtons sexing help!


7 Years
Sep 18, 2012
Interlochen, MI
They are now 5 weeks old. I do want to explain that I can't really go off of their combs as some were dubbed before I got them and others were not. SO I can't really compare combs to each other. Which is a bit more than frustrating! But any opinions on these "girls" would be wonderful! Thank you everyone!!!

My baby and sooo my favorite, BO #1 (I will die if she is a he! lol):

BO #2 (by FAR my largest bird):

BO #3:

BO #4:

I'm just wondering how can you tell? The only difference to my (untrained) eye is that the comb on the first one looks different. I have two mixed breed 12 day old chicks right now (hatched from eggs by mama) and I'm trying to learn all I can about sexing so that we can tell if our two are boys or girls when they start showing signs.
Thank you both. But I was wondering how you could tell as well. I'd love to learn! I was not going by the comb as they all have pink in the area and that one is the only non dubbed chick. So of course the only one with a comb. I was actually worried about #3 because of the tail set and what I thought were saddle feathers!

Shoot :/
Lots of practice.
Comb and stance are the biggest indicators. Leg thickness as well, but this is trickier on Orps.

Saddle feathers don't come in until around 13 weeks.

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