In the Brooder
I have five chicks who are just over 5 weeks old. At the moment, I only have them and their mother. At 4 weeks old, she started pushing them away, as to be expected. Sadly, she was pretty aggressive about it, injuring one and killing another. I now have them separated from her completely. They are growing fast and healthily.
I'mtryibg to figure out what to do from here. If I have to keep them separated forever, I will rehome the hen, as I'm not really equipped to keep them that way. Is it possible they'll be safe around her once they're a bit bigger?? Help!
I'mtryibg to figure out what to do from here. If I have to keep them separated forever, I will rehome the hen, as I'm not really equipped to keep them that way. Is it possible they'll be safe around her once they're a bit bigger?? Help!