5 week old chicks ready for coop?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 12, 2014
Up state NY
I would like to move my 5 week old chicks out to the coop. I have 5 pourcelian D'Uccle and 4 Dominique's. I have been putting them out in the run durning the day when I am home and back in the brooder at night. They seem to not like the transition of going back to the brooder. I was going to hook up a light in the corner for a little more warmth. Does anyone think this is not a good idea?
Where do you live?
I had my 4 week olds out 24/7 when it got to 80 during the day and was dipping into the 50s at night.
If you aren't in Minnesota, Maine or similar climate, they're probably ready.
I would like to move my 5 week old chicks out to the coop. I have 5 pourcelian D'Uccle and 4 Dominique's. I have been putting them out in the run durning the day when I am home and back in the brooder at night. They seem to not like the transition of going back to the brooder. I was going to hook up a light in the corner for a little more warmth. Does anyone think this is not a good idea?

I have Mille D'uccles mine were out in coop because they were fully feathered at 4 weeks old.
I am in Florida.
We have heat issues... Lol
You have cold issues!!!
Well not anymore but you get it!!! :))))))
Put them out, mine went at three weeks, I had the lamp at night on for about a week and then turned it off. I am in upstate SC and it was warm during the day and around 60 at night. They are happy and so am I...They are chickens get them outside!!!!

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