5 week old pekin quickly fading

This was him this morning a few minutes before his seizure


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I have a semi good update. After returning home from some errands yesterday, I noticed he was standing by the water drinking with his brothers and sisters. This morning I woke up and decided to get him out of the pen and sit on the floor and try to feed him the eggs and broccoli again along with his Vitamin Water (which is being given to all of them.) He would drink some of the water but wouldn't touch the food so I decided to mix the eggs and broccoli into the water almost like soup. And to my surprise it worked and he started eating the soup like mixture. Not to mention he even pooped which I was so relieved to see. The poop was a bit frothy and a brownish color. But the bad side is that he ended up having another seizure while I was feeding him. The seizure was the exact same in manner as the one I saw him have yesterday. And this morning as well as yesterday he seems to still have tremors or ticks. So I'm going to continue to research on deficiencies and try to see if we can relieve the tremors or frequency of the seizures. This may just be me thinking this, but it almost appears that his tremors get worse the more noise and commotion going on around him. But I'm relieved because if he's eating drinking and pooping he does have a better chance of surviving.
Hello @Kgriffith0712 !!!!:frow

I just thought I would pop in to say I had two cayuga ducks around the same age as yours doing the same thing. It looked like they were on their backs riding a bicycle when they were having a seizure. I too noticed there was a trigger. And overstimulation is a perfect word for it. If there was a loud noise, or I would turn on a light at night, they would have a seizure. However, the good news is they both grew out of it. I just gave them vitamins in their water like you are doing. They are both adults and healthy now. The best thing I could figure out was their nervous systems took a little longer to develop than the others. In fact, most seizures in small children dissipate as they grow as well.

So not saying your little one can’t have something else going on, but chances are they will grow up to be just fine! Good luck with your little guy and let us know how he’s doing!!:highfive:
Hello @Kgriffith0712 !!!!:frow

I just thought I would pop in to say I had two cayuga ducks around the same age as yours doing the same thing. It looked like they were on their backs riding a bicycle when they were having a seizure. I too noticed there was a trigger. And overstimulation is a perfect word for it. If there was a loud noise, or I would turn on a light at night, they would have a seizure. However, the good news is they both grew out of it. I just gave them vitamins in their water like you are doing. They are both adults and healthy now. The best thing I could figure out was their nervous systems took a little longer to develop than the others. In fact, most seizures in small children dissipate as they grow as well.

So not saying your little one can’t have something else going on, but chances are they will grow up to be just fine! Good luck with your little guy and let us know how he’s doing!!:highfive:
Thank you so much for telling me this. It brings me hope that it may not be fatal.
Hi everyone... I wanted to provide an update today because I think that I found what was wrong with him. And I want to spread the word in case anybody else looks up this post or hears of something similar.
Not just listening to what everyone had to say on here but also doing a bunch of research myself I found cases of other ducks That suffered from seizures and tremors. Similar to my little guy, they were able to eat drink and poop but would seize occasionally. The more I read, I realize that this can be from mineral/vitamin deficiencies, as someone had stated in this blog, but specifically and niacin deficiency. Yesterday after seizing twice in my hands and having shakes similar to somebody who has palsy, I ended up running to the drug store and buying non Flushing niacin. Seeing as it's water-soluble and you really can't OD on it I crushed up a quarter of a 250mg pill and gave it with his "soup". the remainder of the pill I threw into their big water for everyone to enjoy.
after coming home from work I was prepared to see anything but was hopeful the second I saw him and realized he no longer had twitches. He still had some shaking but no tremors/twitches like he had had the past two days and.. . the entire time that I've been with him he hasn't had one seizure nor has he had a "freak out". The last batch of ducks that I had raised had bright orange beaks as to these ones have a dull yellow beak. The last ones that I raised, which happened to be my first ones, were fed a boatload of fruits and veggies as well as crickets and mealworms on a everyday to every other day basis. These ones have only had treats once a week. Therefore it is my determination that this was definitely a vitamin imbalance. And as everybody said on here, ducks do have different nutritional needs compared to chickens. I was also too happy to see that once I put him back in his pen he moved around and would fluff and stretch his wings almost normal. The past two days he would just stand there almost in a comatose state
Yayy! That post just made my day -- I'm so happy for the little guy, and for you! I didn't know niacin deficiencies could cause seizures, I'm glad I know now. I had a little duck pass away from not being able to absorb nutrients and vitamins. Very sad. :(

Thank you so much for starting this thread. I'm sure many, many people will benefit from it. I'm still thinking of the little guy and I've got my fingers crossed, hoping he's 100% healed up!

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