5 weeks old two died suddenly this morning

Edgewood Chickens

In the Brooder
Oct 25, 2017
I had 18 in a portioned off section of my enclosed coop and found two dead this morning. No trauma. One had a small amount of blood on her bottom. I shoveled out the pine shavings and then used Lysol before laying down new shavings. The ground is damp as we have had 6 inches of rain in the past 30 days. I noticed a really fowl smell around the food area where they kick out and packed down in the shavings. Could mold be the issue? Any other suggestions?
Could mold be the issue? Any other suggestions?
Sorry for your loss. :(

That.. moldy air, or moldy feed... or coccidiosis could be highly suspect for a group that size.. symptoms can be easy to miss and most strains will NOT present as blood in droppings, only a couple will. You mention blood on the bumm but not pasty butt causing a prolapse. Consider using the drench dose on Corid if you are in the US... Treat ALL chicks in that location and make sure they have a dry place to sleep.

Adding your general location to your profile can help folks make the best suggestions possible at a glance.

Also maybe direct dose to the beak any chicks who may be standing around, maybe puffed up or sleepy, or not actively eating and drinking when brood mates are.

Hope the rest thrive! :fl

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