5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

Sometime early this morning, I checked on them at 8:00am and 2 had pips ( I'm in Southern California, so it is 3;40 pm now) I'm waiting on 3 Trader Joes eggs and 6 blue marans
I woke up at 6 am (East Coast), and had 2 pips...which would have made it 3 am your time. Another pipped at 8 am. No progress since. I hope they zip before 24 hours!!!! Mine are Barred Rock or Commercial Black (BR hatchery cross) fertilized by a BR cockerel.

The shells are REALLY hard...I gotta smack 'em pretty hard to crack them open. I hope that's not the issue, I'd probably have to intervene.

I think my temp and humidity is right...temp is reading 98 and 99, humidity fluctuates between 62% and 65%.
Exactly! And eventually those of us of a certain age would have to stand up and straighten our screaming knees, and the jig would be up :) But meantime wouldn't it be fun to watch him try and figure out which ones were peeping? ( imagine here, Snidely Whiplash's dog laughing behind his paw)
I am going to buy me a new incubator after this! I think it really had to do with my incubator and thermometer why only 2 out of 7 lived to lock down and only 1 lived to hatch. I have 4 more due tomorrow at the latest, I am not holding hope for them either.

Under $500 and with a turner what would you guys suggest? I was looking at a Brinsea.... but am to new to know for sure. Suggestions??

Best probably brinsea. I don't mind my gen 1588 just had some trouble before putting eggs in but my room temps moving around a lot also. I just had 23 out of 35 hatch but I also lost 6 to being non fertile and 3 blood rings. I still have 1 pip and two others I'm not sure about since I had one in egg turner upside down part of incubating.
I am going to buy me a new incubator after this! I think it really had to do with my incubator and thermometer why only 2 out of 7 lived to lock down and only 1 lived to hatch. I have 4 more due tomorrow at the latest, I am not holding hope for them either.

Under $500 and with a turner what would you guys suggest? I was looking at a Brinsea.... but am to new to know for sure. Suggestions??
I found a used gqf sportsman for $350. love it the only problem it has room for 288 chicken eggs per hatch. it will enable you
I am so Thankful and happy that I have these 5, but I still have almost 2 dozen I'm waiting on, most notably my Dorking eggs, that being said I really wanted some more Jersey Giant and Heritage RIR's. another clutch of silkie's are in there too.

Just remember how long last night was, seemingly with no hope and now today little fuzz buts.

(breathe) ................ did I kill them? did the shipping kill them? Where are they?

O.K. enough of the drama queen till later.
Bad news:(

I've lost all but already hatched #47 & now being assisted to hatch #15

The 4 others that were alive showing movement when I went to LD all shipped all died:

2 internal pips through viens (bloody beaks) <--blaming shipped air cell for bad positioning

2 internal pips but apparently could not move enough to external pip

these last 2 I blame on a combo of wonky shipped air cells plus a sudden drop in humidity that messed up my LD (house heat pump & big change of weather argh).

So since #15 has been internal piped for 48 hrs & external pipped w/ no signs of ever zipping and a worrisome lack of peeping I started assisting about 2 hrs ago.
In small stages we have progressed to still sitting in the bottom of the shell, taking a nap as if after having down its own zip, I'm hoping this will allow #15 to rally some vigor and finish hatching...

I'd really like this one CL or BAM from the shipped eggs to make it, esp. as #47 needs a buddy. My next batch of eggs is not due for a week. (& I added water to that bator this am, I normally dry hatch but the house heater was on so much last night I felt water will be required hope I'm not too late w/ those...the amt of increase in air cell size on the dead eggs in the past 48 hrs was rather alarming esp. given they are in w/ water in the bottom well plus a dish w/ water & sponge)

Everyone cross your fingers for #15 pls.

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