5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

Another pip (#4)

After the last two disaster batches of hatches, this is making me so ecstatic.

Going to be another long night. Grrr...have to go to work tomorrow.

Me too! The last egg has a big old pip in it! It is so exciting!

One of my pipped eggs is trying to stick its beak out...the two hatched chicks pecked at the pip and the shell is gone and membrane exposed...hope it doesn't screw up the poor chick's hatch!!

Will post lots of pics later, gotta get back to watching the hatch! Love my fuzzy butts!!!
Wow! I'm almost 400 posts behind! I'm going to go back and catch up...but here's my update. 29 chicks hatched since yesterday afternoon. It was crazy and amazing and beautiful...and I'm in love. With the chicks, and hatching. :love

There are still four left, which I don't think made it. I'll give them the night and reevaluate. But I'd say 29 out of 33 (that went to lock down) is pretty good! Pics tomorrow after I've gotten some good sleep.
This morning I have one RIR out of the shell and one RIR zipping!
The RSL x Silkie egg that pipped yesterday morning took a long rest and is now slowly starting to chip away at the shell... Two more RIR eggs laying there without movement still, but I'll give them a chance. Soooo happy this is my best hatch ever!
Went to bed at 1am and had pips galore but no chicks. Woke up this morning to 13 chickies and 1 duckling running around the bator. Left for the day and just came home to this. Love seeing all those empty shells. Out of 18 eggs that went into lockdown 16 had hatched, #17 had just busted the top off the shell and number 18 is pipped and wiggling. 3 more duck eggs are pipped and nothing on my quail eggs yet.
Congrats on all your fluffy butts! What kind of Incubator is that?
So sorry for your loses :(
So sorry, I can't even imagine how heartbreaking this is.
I just had to share this with you all. I had 3 Dorking eggs that never pipped, so when everyone else had hatched I candled. 2 had already died, and 1 was alive. I opened one that was already gone, and saw that blood vessels were absorbed, and feet were right at the aircell no internal pip. I knew the one that was alive was in trouble. Filed a small hole on aircell end and same thing, no internal pip, feet right there. I was so upset because I knew death was imminent. I got on the assist article of Sally's and after reading and re-reading knew if I could find the head there was a chance. So, I eggtopsied the one that had died in the same position, and practiced pulling the head out. I went to the live egg and did the same. There was a little blood(from the membrane), but the head came right out, chick took a big breath, and is breathing steadily now. It will take all night for the yolk to absorb, but the shot the chick has now is better than what was going to happen. Now I PRAY!!
Update tomorrow!

Good Job!
Well, it's official. I had a 0% hatch rate. 0 out of the original 16. The one I had left that went into lockdown..I still saw no movement, so when went to raise the humidity, I candled. I know technically you're supposed to leave them in a few days, but I've hatched enough to know the zero movement I saw inside meant death. Sure enough, I opened her up and it died at about day 18. Not surprisingly enough, about the day I switched it into the blasted Brinsea. Oh well. It would have been nice to have New Years chicks, but I'll have more fuzzybutts soon enough. In the meantime, I'll live vicariously through everyone else's chick pics.

ETA: @ronott1
How do I go about proving this? Or is word enough? Seems morbid, but the only picture I'd be able to get is of this last dead chick. I doubt anyone wants to see that. Haha..

I will take your word for it!
Well, I think all but one of my remaining eggs is dead.
One is alive for sure cause I hear it peeping. One is dead for sure. I opened it because on candling I could see it was internally pipped but not breathing or moving. I just don't understand what went wrong. It was fully formed, internally pipped and even had the yolk fully absorbed. It just died without externally pipping. The other 3 have not even internally pipped and I can see no signs of movement in them at all. Still leaving them just in case, but I don't really expect anything from them.

I am so sorry that happened. Often there is no single answer.

There is a hatch ability pdf in the first post that may help you.
Went to bed at 1am and had pips galore but no chicks. Woke up this morning to 13 chickies and 1 duckling running around the bator. Left for the day and just came home to this. Love seeing all those empty shells. Out of 18 eggs that went into lockdown 16 had hatched, #17 had just busted the top off the shell and number 18 is pipped and wiggling. 3 more duck eggs are pipped and nothing on my quail eggs yet.


They look very nice!
Got one pip and zip and hatch today, all in under 20 minutes. Had to leave the house to get access to internet and I'm hoping some of the rest do SOMETHING today. My incubator went nutzo last night with temp and humidity and I'm not hopeful now.

Had to assist 2 chicks yesterday, but they're both very lively and fluffed up now. Pictures tomorrow because I forgot to upload the photos to the laptop.

Will post pictures of the assisted hatching. I got discouraged when the first one bled on me and my former veterinary apprentice sweetie stepped in, showed me how to crush blood vessels to staunch bleeding, and walked through the assisted hatch like he'd done it before. Second assisted hatch worked like a charm even with a lot of bleeding. I don't see a lot of discussion of crushing blood vessels while doing an assisted hatch, so if these chicks make it through, we may have stumbled on a technique for emergencies!

Got one smokey grey (the first chickie I posted yesterday, the sassy thing---that should go into the photo contest!), one black naked neck, one big big big buff/red chick and another black naked neck today...

This tells me something. I tells me the day the meat roosters got in with the flock, they partied HARD. :p Barnyard surprise indeed!
Your are having quite an adventure!

There will always be surprises--for 15 days at least when a wanderer gets into the wrong pen.
I'm not the only one in our house keeping watch on the incubator! We have 10 cats and none of them have ever did anything to harm a chick or chicken.

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