5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

My kids went to school 1-2 days each week for the past month!!! And most of the days they DID go were 2 hour dalay!!!

The news said that days will likely need to be added to the end of the year now for many schools out your way.

I hope your power stays on!

We never lost power, just couldn't get up & down our 1/4 mile long driveway without 4wd. I NEED A TRUCK!!!
lost power yesterday twice......but only for a few minutes. haven't been on in a while..... GREETINGS MY FELLOW MEMBERS!!! lol.

my chicks are getting so big! I have been looking at all of you alls photos too! wow!

got to get pictures of mine soon.....hens are looking like my jap roo and roos are looking like the hen they were crossed with! hahahah
lost power yesterday twice......but only for a few minutes. haven't been on in a while..... GREETINGS MY FELLOW MEMBERS!!! lol.

my chicks are getting so big! I have been looking at all of you alls photos too! wow!

got to get pictures of mine soon.....hens are looking like my jap roo and roos are looking like the hen they were crossed with! hahahah

My babies have our grown their brooder and will need to go out to the Garage soon. I took the ecoglow out a week ago so they have no heat at just over 5 weeks old. I love the way the eco glow type heaters condition them fort temps!

I will love seeing the pictures of you babies! I will get some today or tomorrow.
My babies have our grown their brooder and will need to go out to the Garage soon. I took the ecoglow out a week ago so they have no heat at just over 5 weeks old. I love the way the eco glow type heaters condition them fort temps!

I will love seeing the pictures of you babies! I will get some today or tomorrow.

wow! I have been spoiling my babies for a bit too long....

they still have their heat source on and running at 70 degreese.....but only 4 times a day. when they were babies I had put cardboard all around the brooder, i have one of those older ones with the wire sides, to keep the heat in....now they have all sides but one off, getting a nice air flow.

here is the brooder 3 days ago....now the front cardboard if fully off. MAN! you should've seen them the first day we started pulling it off! they were CRAZY!

'I see the light! I see the light! what is this though?!??!!?'


they are going in their coop as soon as its finished.....you can see the tip of it behind the pallet.....boy oh boy am I spoiling these birds! oatmeal just tops everything!!!

here is some of them.....you cant relly see because my little photogenic rooster is a camera hog. OH WELL! ahahahah did I tell you I have a sizzle and porcelain silkies from this batch!?!?!??!?! SO HAPPY!

cant wait to see pictures of your babies! are they developing carnation combs? being a pen......on I don't know how to spell it.....mix?

one of my jap chicks look to be developing a carnation comb......WEIRD! or maybe its just a relly twisted single.....anyways ill post a pic of that later too.

nice hearing from you!
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I also took the heat from my chicks 3 days ago, they were 6 weeks exactly. They are still in my house down in the basement, they will stay their for another 2-3 weeks I think then I need to make room in the garage for them.

I also have eggs in lockdown they are on day 20 yay. I am hoping for all pullets since these are being hatched for a customer and they are only buying pullets. I don't want anymore rooster this early in the year.
I have my chicks out in the shed and I have 2 heat lamps on them cuz its been getting below zero at night so under the lights its about 55-60 degrees andthe water is always frozen in the momorning. So once the weather looks up ill only put the lights on at night, but they have a huge cool area to sleep in if they wanted. Im extremely impressed with the hardiness of these chickens! Even with 2 lamps its freezing out there!
This is the longest I have ever had chicks indoors. Shame on y'all for inducing me to join the NYD hatch.

Single digits and sub zero is just too cold even for my hover brooders in an unheated coop.

My plan is to butcher 2 roosters Saturday to make room outdoors and by Sunday all the kids will be outside. It's supposed to get into the 50s next week and I see little in the way of teens at night after tomorrow.

I had to make an apartment building in the cellar out of large moving boxes. There are 6 24X18X18 boxes in a line with little doors between each. 2 boxes have 150 watt ceramic emitters, 2 have feeders and 2 have water. The boxes are $1.39 each at Lowes. Cheapest option by far.
I also cut extra 18X24 rectangles of cardboard for the floor and covered with shavings in case they get nasty. I can close the door on one box clean it out, change the cardboard add new shavings and I'm happy.

My cellar is about 50 F.
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I Moved The Littles Outside On Tuesday...Just Over 7 Weeks.

They Are In One Of My 3 Horse Stall 12X16 coopS.

I Made A Hardware Wire Window So They Can See The Grownups.

I Put The Heat Back On Because They Were 72* In The Shop And We Drop To Low 40s At Night, But Only 7 Of 18 Sit Near It. I Have It On A Timer Now From 2-6Am.
I started them out in the 5x5 enclosure for the first two nights, but they quickly started roosting on top. Last night they scared the cr@p out of me when I went to check on them...I was missing 3 of them! I found one between the enclosure chain link and back fence, squished and stuck. Not sure how long he had been back there. Got him out, then dh came out with a flashlight to find the others. Had another stuck back there as well. Dumb birds.
The third one, a very friendly roo, had hopped the 6' bamboo fence and was roosting with the 8 adults.
I was so worried at first...couldn't figure out how something had eaten them. Everything is covered and surrounded with nylon aviary mesh! I plan to remove the 5x5 chainlink now and maybe build a coop on top for a breeder pen for my Rhodebars...?

The two buckets in there are my waterer with chicken nipples and fermented feed. I am building more waterers this weekend and will see how my 'elderly' chickens do with the switch.

I can't believe they are 8 weeks now and we are getting closer to having to rehome or process a bunch of roos. I really like them, mostly for the entertainment value of the chest bumping.

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