5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

I Moved The Littles Outside On Tuesday...Just Over 7 Weeks.

They Are In One Of My 3 Horse Stall 12X16 coopS.

I Made A Hardware Wire Window So They Can See The Grownups.

I Put The Heat Back On Because They Were 72* In The Shop And We Drop To Low 40s At Night, But Only 7 Of 18 Sit Near It. I Have It On A Timer Now From 2-6Am.
GREAT IDEAS! I see some BRs.....and what else? leghorns?

I heed to finish my babies coop and get my mini coop don't for my JB hens that will live with Cadbury! he will be so ecstatic to find he will have some lovers to go with him! he is the only one in his flock'o'five that's his breed! cant wait!

what do you recommend I should do in order to acclimate these little japs to my 9 month old flock? here is their coop....

there is one silkie hen, two crosses, a silkie roo, and Cadbury In this flock.......what do I do to move them in?

with my last flock I had gotten rid of, by BAs, I had put my new flock, Cadbury's flock, in a wooden area blocked with chicken wire.....when I took the wire off my BAs all attacked the babies although they had been living with them for 2 months. is this because cady's flock was all bantams and my BAs were large fowl? anyways, here is what I did last time....

they were very social with each other until they were put together without a barrier......my BAs were a little feisty anyways hurting MOST OF THE CHICKS as they hatched under their broody. should I try this ONE MORE TIME? I don't have my BAs anymore....just Cady and the gang.

I have heard that putting them together to roost after dark sometimes works.

I tried to have my littles meet the adults in the doorway and they immediately started pecking on the littles so I am just going to keep them separate. I might try it again in the paddock this weekend while I am doing chicken chores, but I don't want them to range together unless I am around. And I will likely do it just before dark because them going to bed will be easier than me trying to round up 26 chickens.

your yard and chicken habitat. I would sure love those big trees...but my body can't tolerate the cold.

The chicks that look like BR and leghorns are actually CCL/Super Blue Egg Layers from DMRippy shipped eggs. I have six of the dark barred and 4 of the whites (born cute and yellow...they are barred but you can't tell b/c the color).

Somewhere in there is one BR, Rhodebars, and two RIRxEE (remember Hedgewig and Owl in my Christmas tree photo?) There is a blue copper Maran named Chopsticks (3rd photo, dust bathing in the doorway)...and 3 BCM all black but starting to get their copper feathering in. I had another BCM pullet who I nursed and tube fed for a week, but had to cull her.

We had 23 of 25 make it to day 14 in the bator...a bunch for my neighbors that will hatch in a week.
But I can't get too attached to them, so I am REALLY looking forward to the Easter hatch-a-long. Are you going to hatch more?
WELL! Took long enough for me to get my camera set up to take photos of my chicks! HAHAHAHA! they are getting SOOOO big! I have decided 2 weeks ago I am no longer calling them chicks; but savages. LOL all they do is attack anything they find!
6.5 weeks old today, and I have a total of 5 roosters. I am keeping 2, Leven and Milkshake, as well as Squidgy and Cadbury II to sell later on. (giving Twelve to my breeder) They are all looking so nice!

So, all of my crosses from Ed and Cadbury are beginning to show some of their parent's traits. some of them have crazy yellow feet like Cadbury, some have light feet. some have slightly feathered feet like Ed, some don't, like Cadbury. some are black and white like Cadbury, some are tan like Ed......but FUNNY THING! ALL the roosters are Ed colored and the hens are CADBURY colored! SO FUNNY! hahahaha.

I am VERY pleased on how they are growing! 3 of my 5 roosters are crowing! (Leven, Milkshake and Twelve)

Here I am sharing with you all pictures of them now, and then at the end pictures of them as chicks! ENJOY! (I have 2 VERY funny videos of Leven later I will try to post. He's so photogenic!!! ;))

Atna ~ Japanese Bantam Hen

Cadbury II ~ Japanese Bantam Rooster

Epinesa ~ Japanese Bantam Hen

Bemmie ~ Porcelain Silkie Hen

Milkshake ~ BTW Japanese Bantam (roo) X Splash Silkie (hen)
(5 toes, yellow green feet, normal feathers, small crest, silkie comb, leakage, grey. Jap tail and wings.)

Squidgy ~ White Sizzle Rooster

Timothy ~ Partridge Silkie Hen

The following photos are of Ed anc Cadbury's crosses. here are photos of Cadbury and Ed:
Cadbury: Dad, BTW Japanese Bantam

Ed: Mom, Americuana cross

NOW here are their chicks!
Leven ~ Ed's feet, pattern, coloring and comb. Cadbury's tail and wing colors.

Mari ~ Cadbury's colors and tail, but Ed's feet color and pattern. No foot feathers, but Ed's comb.

Tilly ~ Ed's feet, tail, and pattern, but Cadbury's comb (the only bird from the whole batch with a single!) and coloring.

Twelve ~ Ed's coloring, feathered legs, pattern, comb, and tail, but Cadbury's feet color and beak color. Black wings and tail.

Woodstock ~ Cadbury's feet, pattern, coloring, beak, and tail, but Ed's comb.

I am thinking, all of Ed and Cadbury's babies will be certain colors....females black and white and males tan. interesting even though our silkie, Eggy, was mating with Ed, none of his genes had came out in these babies! INTERESTING!!!

Here is some of the birds as babies, and comparisons to now:
(its cool to see the differences!)






Hope you all enjoyed it!
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I have heard that putting them together to roost after dark sometimes works.

I tried to have my littles meet the adults in the doorway and they immediately started pecking on the littles so I am just going to keep them separate. I might try it again in the paddock this weekend while I am doing chicken chores, but I don't want them to range together unless I am around. And I will likely do it just before dark because them going to bed will be easier than me trying to round up 26 chickens.

your yard and chicken habitat. I would sure love those big trees...but my body can't tolerate the cold.

The chicks that look like BR and leghorns are actually CCL/Super Blue Egg Layers from DMRippy shipped eggs. I have six of the dark barred and 4 of the whites (born cute and yellow...they are barred but you can't tell b/c the color).

Somewhere in there is one BR, Rhodebars, and two RIRxEE (remember Hedgewig and Owl in my Christmas tree photo?) There is a blue copper Maran named Chopsticks (3rd photo, dust bathing in the doorway)...and 3 BCM all black but starting to get their copper feathering in. I had another BCM pullet who I nursed and tube fed for a week, but had to cull her.

We had 23 of 25 make it to day 14 in the bator...a bunch for my neighbors that will hatch in a week.
But I can't get too attached to them, so I am REALLY looking forward to the Easter hatch-a-long. Are you going to hatch more?

thanks! ill try that!

I LOVE owl! to bits! hahah

don't know if I can do the easter hatch yet.....17 chickens 3 years later...LOL
Didn't Bemmie have a cross beak? I may be thinking of someone else, tho...

Yes! Bemmie had a cross beak. it went away after day 2 and doesn't have it now......her beak is twisting, and is not in line with her scull, but the bottom jaw fits just right into the top......for right now as long as she is eating and drinking I think she should be fine.
AWEEEE!!! there is such a difference between bantys and standard.....im looking at all of yours thinking.....what is she feeding them?!?!?!?!?! LOL bantys rule my land! LOL

I totally understand! I've got 2 silkies left out of the 9 that hatched (sold the rest) and I'm looking at then like, why are y'all so shrimpy? Oh wait, you're SUPPOSED to be shrimpy. Lol

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