5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

here are some pics of some of the chick that just hatches the last 3 days. I have buff orpigtons. , Then there are some bff/barred rocks. those white ones are males right? The blacks that have golden faces are females correct. there are allso some dk cornish in there . can I assume this right . There were no black one with dot on the heads . like previos mentioned . Ron.. ? What do you see?
Yes those would be males. Black ones would be females. Post pictures as the get bigger!

Well after a few request for chicks. Somehow all these lovely eggs fell into my turned on incubator!:lau
I already have my Brinsea running and some going to hatch soon.

Well after a few request for chicks. Somehow all these lovely eggs fell into my turned on incubator!:lau
I already have my Brinsea running and some going to hatch soon.

Waiting for eggs to fall into my empty bators. Between cutting my flocks for winter, cutting again to move twice in 5 weeks, & losses due to weather & the stress of the moves I'm down to about 15% of my birds left. I need to get hatching to replenish my flock.
I guess I'm confused now (nothing new) - greetings all, just read through the 20 pages I had waiting for a quiet morning to catch up here :) - so in this cross, if the male is a BO and the female is a BR wouldn't the black chicks be male? Or only if they had the spot on the back of their heads? I'll have to go read that page on sexlinks. Do you happen to know, would a cross using a Dominique instead of a Barred Rock behave the same or are the genetics different?

Someone posted a pic of two chicks on around page 890 I think? Asking if anyone could tell or guess male/female - the picture is tough because we can't see the comb of the bird on the right. If I had to guess based on leg size I would say left is female, right is male, but I am terrible at guessing gender on chicks :)

I turned a 4x6 pen in my coop into a big brooder and have some really happy chicks in there - bought the heater plates Premier has along with covers, left a heat lamp over the patio blocks the waterer is on to ensure they would drink, they are doing great.

I have had a hatch every weekend, all my NYD chicks were sold a week later which is fine, that's what they were hatched for. I have one hatch that is 3 weeks old I'm keeping for the moment, growing the chicks out to see what I want to keep - Silkies, Legbars, Lav over Black Ameraucanas, and a few EEs - then the hatch after that I decided to grow a few weeks also because even though the chicks are mixes some are really pretty colors. I have 17 chicks just hatched Friday and 13 hatched the previous Saturday that I'll sell, but the weather here has been as dreadful as everywhere else - lows below zero three nights running last week, finally topped freezing on Friday for a few hours and hit the high 50s yesterday, today back to low 30s. No sense trying to get people to come here and buy young chicks until it warms up a little more. They don't eat much, and I can spend hours watching them run around and flap their tiny wings :) I don't know, to me there just hasn't been a time yet that a chick running around feeling energetic hasn't been an absolute delight.

Edited for spelling - touch = tough
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Well after a few request for chicks. Somehow all these lovely eggs fell into my turned on incubator!

I already have my Brinsea running and some going to hatch soon.

Congrats on the incubator up and running again. I love all your beautiful eggs in there. Fingers crossed for many chicks for you.
Okay I read the black sex link portion and guess I understand better now - black chicks with white spots would be male, black with no spots female, great link, thanks Ron!
According to the chicken calculator:
Buff roo over barred/cuckoo hen
Solid black pullets
Barred cockrels

So as the chicks grow out, your boys should have barring & your girls should be soild black.

Barred/cuckoo roo over buff hen will produce all barred offspring.
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