~ 5th Annual Cinco de Mayo Hatchathon! ~

Found you! Thanks for the reminder.
Oh good! Thank you for finding me. :)

33 out of 37 original eggs made it into lock-down yesterday. Still trying to figure out what colors to band which chicks
Awesome! Good luck on your hatch!

We have external pips and lots of peeps coming from the bator. We should have chicks in the morning. One day early. My bator must run a degree hot.

Good luck all
How fun! Our incubators must be in sink. We hatched together last time.
Update: 3 hatched-

2 rocks and 1 silkie.
4 are pipped, and 11 are showing no movement yet.
They certainly got rolled around last night when the first 2 rocks came out!
I'm really glad that I have to work today, so I will be forced to leave the incubator alone! Sitting on my hands. :)
Finally have a pip in the hatcher eggs. I'm used to mine hatching a little early, so I was starting to wonder if they had decided to stay eggs. All Speckled Sussex in there. I have an injured poult in the house, shrilling. Maybe that got them going.

I'm about to go over and check the broodies. I'm a little anxious about them. All first time broodies.
I now have 5 rocks and 4 beautiful blue silkies. That is half of the eggs. 3 more are pipped, and I think I have 5 quitters, and one that got rolled too much. Waiting patiently for the last 3 to hatch. Started with 18.
So far I see 5 poults and 2 chicks with this hen.
I only saw one today, but she kept shifting around, so I think there's more.
This was the same hen as the first picture. The third hen didn't let me see any babies, but I think she has some.
I was panicking last night... read the posts, thought mine were late, imagined eggs were dead...
then realized they aren't even due until midnight tomorrow night...

Getting too old for this kind of excitement!

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