6+ Blue Wheaten Ameraucana hatching eggs


CA Royal Blues
13 Years
Mar 23, 2008
Oakland, CA
For your consideration are 6+ of my Blue Wheaten Ameraucana hatching eggs. My girls have finally started giving me eggs consistently again and I'm ready to test my shipping skills.
This is my first auction and will be the first time I have ever shipped eggs. I plan to individually wrap each egg in bubble wrap and place said eggs into an egg carton also to be bubble wrapped. From there the carton will be placed into a standard flat rate large shipping box, padded with large sized bubble wrap and pine shavings to help absorb any shock that may happen during shipping. I would appreciate feedback on how the eggs were packaged upon arrival to you, I need to know what I did right and what I could do better the next time around!

On to more important things...

My birds are Jean Ribbeck stock, I'm pleased with their overall appearance and how they adhere to the Ameraucana SOP. I feel I have culled my flock successfully to breeder quality birds that will produce quality offspring.

Like this wee one.


My rooster Claude is quite the gentleman. He is kind to his girls and is a wonderful flock leader. He has never once shown any aggression towards me or anyone else. Fertility has been checked by a test hatch I did in late February, as well as with eggs that I am currently incubating that are developing nicely.


For this season I am only breeding Blue Wheaten to Blue Wheaten birds, Claude is my only Ameraucana rooster and he has a lovely harem of Blue Wheaten girls. This breeding will result in approximately 50% Blue Wheaten, 25% Wheaten and 25% Splash Wheaten offspring.


I am proud of the eggs produced by my girls, the eggs range from a light sky blue to a more aqua/teal blue laid by one hen in particular. I honestly prefer the teal tinted eggs as they are more vibrant in color than the others.

This picture was taken outside, with flash.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I only will accept PayPal as the method of payment. That said it is imperative that payment be sent soon after the auction's end to ensure that the eggs be sent to you as quickly as possible. I cannot guaruntee successful hatch rates for you after the eggs leave my possession, due to the handling by the Postal Service and your methods of incubation. I can however guaruntee that the eggs sent to you will be fresh and fertile, packaged carefully in hopes of you hatching some beautiful birds of your own.

To see more pictures of my birds please visit my website, there is a link below in my signature.

Happy bidding!
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That is a fantastic pic of your hen! If my 'bator wasn't earmarked for the next month, I'd go for it just based on that picture!
Thank you! It's easy to take good pictures of these girls, they're absolutely beautiful.

Honestly though, it was a chance photo that came out great. She was at the bottom of a small hill in their run, I just happened to be standing above her and snapped the shot.
HappyMtn, thank you! I'm probably too critical of him honestly, his hackles kill me.
He is a wonderful rooster though. I couldn't ask for a better behaved boy. I do plan on replacing him within the next two years though. I'm growing out whatever Blue Wheaten and Splash Wheaten boys I hatch or receive in orders this year to eventually do so. I may keep two boys for awhile, I don't want Claude to think he's got it made being the only rooster in our yard.

I am happy with the eggs my girls are giving me, they are a lovely light sky blue. There is the one hen that gives me the green tinted "aqua" egg that I love. It's not only more vibrant but she's been laying BIG eggs lately. I know exactly which ones are her's whenever I go to the nesting boxes.

I really will be gearing my breeding towards deeping the color in the eggs over the next couple of years. I'm building a separate breeding pen away from the main flock right now in order to do select pairings. I'm very excited about these birds!

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