6 Hatched, 1 more pip! New Baby chick pictures on pg 2!

I'm excited for mine, are you on day 21 right now?? Keep posting pics!
Day 21 was today at noon. The blue ameraucana came early at 6:30 AM. The blue laced red wyandotte (second chick) isn't doing so well. Naval started to bleed after wrestling with the ameraucana. We've separated them, but I don't think it'll make it.

Just about 6 PM here now, four more pipped between noon and 3 PM. Still waiting for them to start zipping...
We had a black copper maran hatch at about 8 PM. Very healthy and active!

The little wyandotte is doing better. We decided to follow some advice here on BYC (post #8 of this thread) to gently push the yolk sac into the abdomen with a wet q-tip. The chick is very active now, so hopefully it's abdomen won't get infected.
Here's one last update before bed. All the eggs that pipped have hatched, so we have:
- 3 Black Copper Marans
- 2 Blue Ameraucanas
- 1 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte

Hopefully more will pip tonight! There's a nice littly symphony of cheeps to cheer those others along.

Blue Ameraucana (front), Black Copper Maran (middle), and Blue Laced Red Wyandotte (back)

Black Copper Maran Chicks
Alright......the BLRW chick has a death wish. After helping him with his egg sac, super gluing him shut, and getting him warmed all up, we thought he would take a nice nap. Well, he decided he was going strong enough to climb on top of the other eggs and stand up high enough to get his beak whacked by the fan. Poor guy chipped part of it, and bled for a little while but is going strong again.
Here's Everyone:

Blue Ameraucana Chicks:

Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Chick:

Black Copper Maran Chicks:

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