6 month old hens....not laying?

sunshine ducky

11 Years
Aug 7, 2012
Hey everyone! my hens are 6 months old and not one of them had an egg yet, I thought hens started laying at ten or twelve months but I've heard people's hens started laying at the age of 4-5 months. so is it normal they haven't lay eggs yet, thanks!

I have the breeds______
- Buff Orpignton
- Black Australrop
- Rhode Island Red
- White Plymouth Rock

thanks again!
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Age of laying depends upon the breed. The orpingtons and australorp are generally slower to develop and therefore take longer to lay.

Something else that can delay laying is the time of year as the days are getting shorter and shorter. Chickens lay eggs based off the light. It takes 14 hours of light approximately to create one egg.

Have there comb started to grow yet? Have they started to redden yet?
Have they started to squat? These are all signals that they are going to start laying soon.
Hi thanks for responding, they are forming combs but they are a pinkish red although they are not squatting yet. Thanks for responding!
If the combs are starting to grow and color in then give them a month or two. Waiting for eggs definitelytely gives you a lesson in patience! They will be coming soon.
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