6 month old pullet acting odd


In the Brooder
May 19, 2019
This is Peanut my 6 month old therapy pullet. She ate breakfast and is pooping normal but she was sitting puffed up in the corner of the coop with her back to me. I brought her in and her comb gets red then pale and her tail is down. She has never laid an egg yet, so I don't know if it's her body getting ready for that. We came inside she had a snack and has cleaned herself but she is still sitting with her tail down. No nose discharge or mites. She is the smallest in our coop, is she being bullied, is she guna lay an egg or is she sick? I gave her water with probiotics as well


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What does her poop look like? Can you check her for a stuck egg by inserting a clean finger inside her vent slightly upward 1-2 inches? Has she been eating as well as drinking today? How does her crop in her upper right chest feel—if it feels full now, check it again first thing in early morning before she has eaten. It would also be good to check her skin under her lower belly for any lice or mites moving around.

In the picture she looks a bit puffed up or hunched as chicken with coccidiosis look. If she is having runny poops, and there is no egg felt, then I might consider getting Corid to treat her for possible coccidiosis. Dosage is 2 tsp of the Corid liquid per gallon of water for 5-7 days. You can find it in most feed stores.
What does her poop look like? Can you check her for a stuck egg by inserting a clean finger inside her vent slightly upward 1-2 inches? Has she been eating as well as drinking today? How does her crop in her upper right chest feel—if it feels full now, check it again first thing in early morning before she has eaten. It would also be good to check her skin under her lower belly for any lice or mites moving around.

In the picture she looks a bit puffed up or hunched as chicken with coccidiosis look. If she is having runny poops, and there is no egg felt, then I might consider getting Corid to treat her for possible coccidiosis. Dosage is 2 tsp of the Corid liquid per gallon of water for 5-7 days. You can find it in most feed stores.
Crop is fine, it's full but not hard and no mites or lice. She had oatmeal with mealworms and vegetables with layer feed for breakfast and ate fine. Her poos are solid then she had a white runny one a few minutes after. I have her in her pen inside the house away from the others. She did eat a piece of banana. She is still cleaning herself. Idk something seems off. My 2 other girls are acting fine. She is acting ok inside other then her tail down
I would check inside her vent. It only takes a minute and you can use a disposable glove. If you feel a hard egg, then place her on a moist towel on a heat pad set to low.

I would stop a lot of the oatmeal, fruit, and veggies. Her chicken feed should be 90% of her intake of food. Oats are sometimes part of chicken feed, but they are not good in large amounts. Feeding things other than chicken feed dilutes both the protein and the other nutrients that she needs.
I think she is fine, she is now up and walking around the house tail perked up making noises. This is my first time with chickens and I'm paranoid. I will go easy on the scraps, I only feed them warm breakfast once a week.


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Today she isn't eating at all, but drinking. I went and got Corid and put it in everyone's water. I hope this helps if not she is going to the vet tomorrow.
You can give her a jumpstart by giving her 0.4 ml of undiluted Corid twice a day for the next two days, in addition to her drinking the treated water.
I just wanted to give an update, Peanuts wings started drooping more so I took her to the vet. She doesn't have coccidiosis and isnt egg bound. She was hulk smashed by our rooster when he got out of his coop and has nerve damage to her wings. So she will continue to be inside. The vet gave her a cortisone injection, an antibiotic shot and a steroid hopefully these will help. She is already spoiled but I think she may become a house chicken.


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Thanks for the update. I hope that she continues to get along well. Her beak on top looks a tiny bit overgrown. She mapight benefit from a having a large rock to rub her beak on, and keep it filed down. You can also use a file or a pair of dog nail clippers to very slightly trim the beak. Here is some reading on how:

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