6+ split lav SIlkie eggs-25% or more pure lavs


Haha thanks Brindle!!!! Hope Im home when it ends-we usually eat at SIL restaurant Friday nights:-(

Butterfly-you should see the 1 lav I have in brooder-she's a hoot-the loudest one there is!!!!
After ordering the monster incubator, I'll have plenty of room to hatch these!

The coop on the other hand....
Thats my problem too lol!!! I have 2 more bators in the shed that I'm trying NOT to pull out because I have no room for the chicks I have now lol. I NEED to build another coop, but can't do that til this darn baby is born! The chicks are getting so big that they are jumping out of their containers and running around the room they are in. I always know when one of them jumped out because they start chirping REALLY LOUD! My house just isn't big enough

Nat thats funny because my 1 Lav from you is the loudest of them all too! I got my camera fixed so I'm going to take some pics of the younger chicks right now. I refuse to go out to the coops right now to take pics of the older Lav & split but I'll post some of the younger Lav & splits from you in a few
Darn things wouldn't hold still for nothing. They acted like I was going to eat them or something lol. I'm not a great picture "takerer" lol

Theres soooo much freakin snow out there, I won't dare try & take a 3 yr old a 1 yr old & my pregnant butt down there right now lol. When my daughter gets out of school I'll go down & take recent pics of the older Lav & split....they are dirty though
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