6+ split lav SIlkie eggs-25% or more pure lavs

now I have that hip hop song on my mind!!!

Hip Hop?!?! What kind of backwoods girl are you?

Hey J -for a redneck in the woods I like to get jiggy with it!
OMG that was so dorky!!

Nat, I set the eggs I got from you on March 5th all eggs look fertile except maybe 1-2 and I think there is also 1 or 2 that have air cell separation but that's to be expected with shipped eggs.. I'm happy if I get at least one to hatch..

Nat, I set the eggs I got from you on March 5th all eggs look fertile except maybe 1-2 and I think there is also 1 or 2 that have air cell separation but that's to be expected with shipped eggs.. I'm happy if I get at least one to hatch..

well that good news too-
-bummer about the air cell seperation:-( are those growing though??
I got my eggs today! They all showed up intact and look very nice. I was impressed by the uniform size and shape of the eggs lol I know that sounds funny but I've ordered a lot of eggs lately and have a lot to compare to!
Colie <3 :

I got my eggs today! They all showed up intact and look very nice. I was impressed by the uniform size and shape of the eggs lol I know that sounds funny but I've ordered a lot of eggs lately and have a lot to compare to!

haha thanks!!! Glad you enjoyed that aspect:) yes they have molted-took a 3 month break-and just started laying again-they are going on over 1 yrs old now so they are pretty routine and regular-no bloops:) Deffinitely not pullet eggs
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