6 weeks, boys or girls? Gender obsessed!!! Please help!!


11 Years
Mar 28, 2008
These chicks are 6 weeks old now, one SLWyandotte and one Light Brahma. Their combs are pinkish for sure but would that be true of both sexes of this age and breed? When do wattles come? Are they always pink/red? How about crowing? I haven't heard any crowing yet. Am I in the clear yet? I need hens!!! What do you guys think? Thank you, thank you, thank you....

Eudora- LB Pictures 1-3



Bess-SLW Pictures 1-4




I'm not sure how it works for those breeds, but here are some pics of my hens and my roo. I bought them Feb 27, and I took this pic at a little under 6 wks old. I'll bet you can tell which one is the roo!!!


Okay, so the photos of the LB do make her comb seem a little redder than it actually is in real life. It is really more of a light pink. Bess' is darker. When do you know for sure? Are there other signs to look for with these two breeds at this age?
Thanks for your input everybody. Please keep it coming.
I have leghorns, RIR, NHR, jersey giants, BO, a mottled houdan, and a barred rock, and out of all 20 of them only one has the look of a roo. I just don't know if there's a maturation difference between my breeds and yours, cause based on mine it looks like urs might be pullets.
I dunno!!!!!
I know, shes not supposed to have the single comb? I heard its a genetic thing that happens sometimes? Was she bred with a different kind of chicken (notice how I am still saying she) ? I got her at the feed and farm store in our town. Does she look like a rooster to you?
not meaning to hijack, but glad you brought up the comb ?. I have what I was told (and appears to be in every way EXCEPT her comb) a silver laced Wyandotte with a single comb, not a rose comb. She lays large eggs ranging from pale cream to light tan. Is she a cross, a mutt, or just a genetic aberration from the norm? curious... BTW, you can change Bess to Buster

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