6wo pullet perosis


Jul 27, 2018
My 6-7 week old cuckoo Marans has been laying down most of the time in the brooder for the past two weeks. She’s eating drinking and pooping fine. I just moved my chicks into the coop outside and noticed she was walking weird and laying down more than standing up. Her legs look really far apart but her toes step on each other when she walks. Her left leg looks like it sticks out in front instead of being straight like her other leg. She gets around ok and I never noticed any injury or painful peeping when I handle her, which has been every couple days since she was a couple days old. From what I’ve read I’m thinking it’s perosis just not sure what might’ve caused it, my other 8 chicks are fine. She seems to be adapting to it and walks ok and the other chicks aren’t picking in her or anything. When I checked on her this morning she was walking much better than yesterday and not laying down as much so I’m sure more space in the coop is helping a bit. Here are photos. Should I try to intervene and splint it at this point or just let her be my sweet little gimp?
Is there any swelling of the joint?
Can you feel if the tendon is slipped?

You can try splinting to see if she improves. I would also get her on poultry vitamins that contain B2 (Riboflavin) or give her 1/2tablet of B-Complex daily for a week to see if that helps.

She may be suffering from a leg bone deformity. Sometimes that starts showing up as they get older and develop. If that is what you are dealing with, you may not be able to correct the legs.

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