7 Biddies' Street

Let's see:

2 Buff Orpingtons - Goldie & Muriel
2 Black Sex Links - Beulah & Sammy (Davis, Jr)
2 Golden Comets - Sadie & Sophie
2 EEs - Ida & Sylvia

This time, instead of just old biddy names, I gave them Jewish Old Biddy names, just to liven things up.
Nothing wrong with being prideful about chickens!

I sure hope not, as I'm very proud of mine ... and my organic garden, and all the healthy food my little one acre, which I call Sweet Asylum, provides. (The name is a play on my name, Alys, and the fact that everyone feels at peace here, plus the psychology inference.) I call the flagstone path through the front garden, the Psycho Path. Being a School Psychologist, I thought it was fitting.

Have your fun wherever you can!

We just got a new resident on my little street. The only neighbors that caused any trouble have moved to FL, and another Floridiot took their place. But, she seems very nice and loves my chickens!! i didn't even have to bribe her with a dozen eggs. Even said she might get some after she retires. So, she can't be all bad. It's certainly a good start. Oh. The lady in the house across the street said every time her husband puts out grass seed, she looks out and says, "Here come the girls!", meaning MY girls. I've got the neighbors trained. :lol:
Love the new chick names! I hear ya on getting more chickens than you'd bargained for. I do it too!
And too funny about the neighbors. Sounds like a good crowd.

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