7 week old “sexed” pullets??


May 17, 2021
Please tell me these aren’t roosters! I already have 6 and that’s 6 too many!
The red and gray easter egger is a cockerel, and the silver laced wyandotte is likely a cockerel.
Ugh. I really can’t win here. I hatched 6 eggs in April and every one is a rooster. Now my sexes outlets are looking like roosters. Is your certainty on the easter egger due to the tail? That one is my favorite so I was really hoping it could be a pullet 😞
The red and grey Easter Egger is definitely a boy. The wonky tail, the wide comb, the tall stance, and the rooster-specific dark red on the wings coloration all point to it. He's probably your sweetest and most favorite too. That's what happened to me when I got 4 Easter Egger pullets from the local feed store and my favorite then turned out to be male and had to be rehomed. I'm sorry.
Ugh. I really can’t win here. I hatched 6 eggs in April and every one is a rooster. Now my sexes outlets are looking like roosters. Is your certainty on the easter egger due to the tail? That one is my favorite so I was really hoping it could be a pullet 😞
its the wide comb, but also the coloring. On a mixed breed, like an easter egger, its much more prevalent, but the rust wing bars are an exclusively male trait. You will never see it on females.
its the wide comb, but also the coloring. On a mixed breed, like an easter egger, its much more prevalent, but the rust wing bars are an exclusively male trait. You will never see it on females.
Very interesting! I’m new to chickens and there is so much to learn! So for EE even when the red is all through the body if it’s on the wings it’s male? Most of the pictures online show red only over wings so I think that’s what threw me off.
its the wide comb, but also the coloring. On a mixed breed, like an easter egger, its much more prevalent, but the rust wing bars are an exclusively male trait. You will never see it on females.
The red and grey Easter Egger is definitely a boy. The wonky tail, the wide comb, the tall stance, and the rooster-specific dark red on the wings coloration all point to it. He's probably your sweetest and most favorite too. That's what happened to me when I got 4 Easter Egger pullets from the local feed store and my favorite then turned out to be male and had to be rehomed. I'm sorry.
Legitimately all my favorite are roosters. Now I guess I have 7 roosters to figure out what I’m doing with 🤦🏻‍♀️
Very interesting! I’m new to chickens and there is so much to learn! So for EE even when the red is all through the body if it’s on the wings it’s male? Most of the pictures online show red only over wings so I think that’s what threw me off.
On a red body, look for even darker over the wing bars.

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