7 week old bantam Cochin...roo?

This Cochin is seriously confusing! One minute the comb and wattles are bright red...then she settles in on my lap and they turn completely yellow...not even a hint of pink in them! Is this still a pullet? She is 8.5 weeks old now. Even though she is a bantam, she is top of the pecking order among standards, and when all flushed, has the reddest comb and wattles.

At rest. When she is cruising around and challenging the crowd, her comb and wattles are bright pink/red.


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I'm also curious about this. I have 6 Brahma that are 10 weeks old. One I'm sure is a cockerel, the others I'm still waiting. But when they get excited their combs and wattles turn bright red. At rest they are pale. Is this normal?
I hope one of the experts can tell us! This chick has me going the way of her ever changing comb, a sits confusing!
I hope one of the experts can tell us! This chick has me going the way of her ever changing comb, a sits confusing!

And frustrating! One minute I'm thinking I only have one roo, the next I get super paranoid and think all of them are Roos. They were sexed as pullets when I bought them so if they're all Roos I'm going to be very unhappy. I wish brahma weren't so difficult to sex.
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That's totally it! Yesterday I told me husband, oh this chick is totally a roo, and not 5 minutes later she was in my lap and her comb and wattles were and fleshy as they come. It's harder because this is my favorite that I had to assist hatch on, and we are not allowed Roos.
That's totally it! Yesterday I told me husband, oh this chick is totally a roo, and not 5 minutes later she was in my lap and her comb and wattles were and fleshy as they come. It's harder because this is my favorite that I had to assist hatch on, and we are not allowed Roos.

Oh no! I really hope she is a she and you don't have to get rid of her. I feel your pain though. I'm starting to question my favorite as well.
The one I thought for sure was a roo is trying to decive me. He has the biggest comb but is the only one who's comb is still mostly pale! All of the others have pink combs.
Just wondering if your Cochin turned out to be a hen? I'm going through the same thing with a 7 week old bantam as well. Small pink comb that appears darker at times.
Just wondering if your Cochin turned out to be a hen? I'm going through the same thing with a 7 week old bantam as well. Small pink comb that appears darker at times.
Oh he is a cockerel all right. First to crow, macho man, but the sweetest chicken ever. He is 14 weeks old now!

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