7 week old Black Australorp- Roo/Pullet? 14 weeks old now on post #9

Update: 14 weeks in new pictures. Any opinions on gender?, especially on #2! We are currently thinking they are both pullets, but the verdict is still out. I guess we are waiting for a crow or an egg.

#1 (turned out it is a Jersey Giant/ not an australorp) - 14 weeks old


#2 - 14 weeks old


Edited to update and add more pictures. Definately pullets. What a relief! The Australorp started laying at 23 weeks and the Jersey Giant at 26 weeks.

#1 The Black Jersey Giant is in the back on the right behind my white Hyline at 17 weeks.


She is on the far right
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I have 2 black Australorp chics tat are a little over two weeks old. How would I determine sex? Neither have any red on them yet, but it may be too early. I just want to determine the roos asap so I can find them a good home
I have 3 two of them have a large combs and waddles and one does not they are around 4 months got them from TSC they sold them as pullets but i am unsure am wondering about mine to
Can you post any pictures of them? Wattles and combs by 4 months old in pullets is normal, just not really large ones. By 4 months old, cockerels are usually getting curved tail feathers and pointy hackle and saddle feathers.
GardeNerd...I'm going to do that. It'll be fun just to test it out. I got them at a feed store, but we'll see. I like the idea of testing the old wives tales

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