7 wk. EE with a raspy voice?


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 16, 2009
DFW area
Hi guys! I was wondering if chicks' voices change as they grow older...like before they start to cluck? All my girls are 7 weeks old, and their little baby peeping noises are giving away to a softer, lower cheeping. One of the Easter Eggers in particular has kind of a raspy sound to her voice, almost like she has a sore throat!
I've been keeping a really close eye on her. She is eating just fine, drinking a lot (like all of them are in this blasted Texas heat), running around and being silly in general. No nasal discharge, no watery eyes, no strange poo.

I tried to open up her beak to look inside and the first time I thought I saw some kind of stickiness in the back of her throat, but when I got it opened again I didn't see it, so I don't know if I was imagining it.

Is the raspy voice a normal chick stage or could this possibly be a cold or respiratory problem? Also, is it normal to have two EEs who are the same age and yet distinctly different in size? Neither have any comb to speak of, so I don't think the larger one is a roo (hope not!), but I was just wondering if it might be worrisome that the smaller one is having this raspy voice problem.
Hey there,I have 2 EE they are 10 weeks old now and they are still peeping like chicks,with the odd cluck now and then.....but they do not sound raspey or any thing like that,so I dont realy know .....Im sorry I cant be of much help....but Im sure some one will soon....good luck....Debbie..
My Ameraucana/Cochin mixes has had a raspy voice since she grew out of the baby peeping voice. It was kind of strange when we first heard it, but we have grown used to it. She is 14 weeks old now, and still has it. We used to say it sounded like she had Strep Throat. lol She just has a different voice than most.
I hope it is the same with your chicken and there is nothing wrong.
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Thanks for the replies!
I hope it's just a stage. I noticed the other EE chick doing it occasionally today. They sound kind of like a tiny goose with a sore throat! Kind of like, "Cheep-cheep-cheep-HONK-HONK-HONK-cheep-cheep-cheep." LOL I haven't heard any sounds of labored breathing, or rattling or anything like that. Just random raspy cluck-cheeps.
I'll definitely watch them, though, and make sure it's not anything to worry about.
Here's a picture of Chippy taken today:


She doesn't appear to be sick at all...so here's praying that she's just a Janis Joplin girly.

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