7 wks, marked hen from ideal....breed?

Now I am more confused! Aah!! Okay so when I got these babies and I saw the receipt, I called and asked if they mark pullets? And they said we only mark pullets... So that would mean I got 10 marked and 5 for warmth. So Why is there a purple mark near males for warmth?
I'm also getting confused, but am still sure those birds you posted are male.

You ordered ten pullets, correct?

And you got fifteen birds total?

Five were marked? Or were more marked? This may be the source of my confusion.

The five marked are the ones I think look like males?

The reciept has the purple mark next to the "males included for warmth". That right there tells me the males are marked with that purple on their heads.
Ok, sorry I have to edit this...
My order was 10 assorted pullets.
I expected a few males for warmth.
My box included 16 chicks total. 10 had purple marks on the head. 6 were various colors.
ONE purple marked died that day. Down to 9 marked.
ONE unmarked one died next day. Down to 5 unmarked.
Out of my 9 marked chicks, 7 are gigantic white mean birds that seem to be Roos.
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Wow! That really sucks..........sounds like someone got confused as to who they were marking. I guess I misunderstood how many birds were marked.........sorry. I'd sure be contacting them (you already have?) to see about replacements if they messed up that bad. I've heard they're good to deal with and try to make it right.
I got to the bottom of the problem. Someone was asleep when they packed my order. 10 pullets turned into 8... Hard to count maybe? And my peanuts were in fact marked male, even though the lady informed me they were marked as pullets. I am disappointed to say the least. Now I have to find homes or someone who wants to eat my 7 extras... I'm bummed. I will order from a diff. Hatchery.....
Yes, they will credit me the one that died plus the two not included.... So that's good. Wish I could find homes for all my Roos!!

I had really good luck with CL for my mixed breed roos. $5 each had plenty of calls. The lady that took 3 had said every time she called on CL roos they were already taken! Even had calls 3 weeks after the ad posted only one time. Maybe you will have good luck too!

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