7th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2016 Hatch-A-Long

Im posting just save my place, I love these hatch a longs, great people and lots of fun. Im not officially in but may if I end up with an odd time of the year broody, we'll see.
OK I am going to try this for the first time. I would like to find some Ameraucana and EE eggs so I can try for blue and the lovely sea foam green eggs. I am in SW Missouri. Does anyone have any? Not bantam my reds are too bossy.
OK I am going to try this for the first time. I would like to find some Ameraucana and EE eggs so I can try for blue and the lovely sea foam green eggs. I am in SW Missouri. Does anyone have any? Not bantam my reds are too bossy.
I have added you to the members list!

Also @LocalYokel has been added too!

Im posting just save my place, I love these hatch a longs, great people and lots of fun. Im not officially in but may if I end up with an odd time of the year broody, we'll see.
I have eggs here if anyone wants some of my mixes. Hens RIR, Barred rocks, EE/buff. Two roos Lavender Orpington and buff/EE roo. Not fancy, but nice birds my Lav. pullets are not laying yet or I could offer Lavender eggs.
I'm in! I got an incubator for my birthday(all the way in October) and I' ve been dying to try it! This is my first time incubating(first year with chickens too) and i didn't want to start new chicks and have to keep them all winter. I'm very excited for this!
I'm in! I got an incubator for my birthday(all the way in October) and I' ve been dying to try it! This is my first time incubating(first year with chickens too) and i didn't want to start new chicks and have to keep them all winter. I'm very excited for this!

I have added you to the members list.

It works out well for me to hatch on New Years Day. The ones I hatched last year are still laying eggs.

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