7th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2016 Hatch-A-Long

The TJ's eggs were white and the Whole Foods eggs were Brown. They are likely that same cross with the parents reversed. TJ's = Hyline leghorn hens x hyline brown roosters Whole Foods = Hyline brown hens x hyline white roosters. The theory is that the farm would use different colors between the cocks and the hens so that it would be easier to make sure you have the correct ratio for the breeding pens to ensure fertility. It seems to be working because most of the eggs are fertile. Because of the cross, most of the offspring will be brown egg layers. Of the 7 pullets that I hatched last year, 5 lay brown eggs and two lay white eggs. I have one hen that lays a huger 78G white egg. She is very little too. Modern Sizes (USA)
Mass per egg​
Cooking Yield (Volume)[SUP][2] [/SUP]​
[/TR] [TR]
Greater than 2.5 oz. or 70.9 g [/TR] [TR]
Very Large or Extra-Large (XL)​
Greater than 2.25 oz. or 63.8 g 56 ml (4 tbsp ) [/TR] [TR]
Large (L)​
Greater than 2 oz. or 56.7 g 46 ml (3.25 tbsp) [/TR] [TR]
Medium (M)​
Greater than 1.75 oz. or 49.6 g 43 ml (3 tbsp) [/TR] [TR]
Small (S)​
Greater than 1.5 oz. or 42.5 g [/TR] [TR]
Greater than 1.25 oz. or 35.4 g [/TR]
I appreciate the info! We have a few Whole Foods stores about an hour drive from me and I am thinking I may go get some this weekend after seeing this
Definitely an economical way to get some high production layers and we would put the extra roosters to good use too! Wow that's a big egg!!! It's amazing those little gals can crank out those big eggs. Ouch! Lol
One of your isbar grandbabies laid an egg today. Its perrty
That is wonderful news, especially given all that she went through. Of course you know it didn't happen without photo proof, right?
How many of your Isbars were you able to save?

The chicks that hatched on NYD are two weeks old now!

This is what I hatched for about $12 bucks--eggs from Trader Joe's and Whole Foods:

They were wondering what that thing was -- not a treat? And then snap!
Awww, how adorable!
The TJ's eggs were white and the Whole Foods eggs were Brown. They are likely that same cross with the parents reversed. TJ's = Hyline leghorn hens x hyline brown roosters Whole Foods = Hyline brown hens x hyline white roosters. The theory is that the farm would use different colors between the cocks and the hens so that it would be easier to make sure you have the correct ratio for the breeding pens to ensure fertility. It seems to be working because most of the eggs are fertile. Because of the cross, most of the offspring will be brown egg layers. Of the 7 pullets that I hatched last year, 5 lay brown eggs and two lay white eggs. I have one hen that lays a huger 78G white egg. She is very little too. Modern Sizes (USA)
Mass per egg​
Cooking Yield (Volume)[SUP][2] [/SUP]​
[/TR] [TR]
Greater than 2.5 oz. or 70.9 g [/TR] [TR]
Very Large or Extra-Large (XL)​
Greater than 2.25 oz. or 63.8 g 56 ml (4 tbsp ) [/TR] [TR]
Large (L)​
Greater than 2 oz. or 56.7 g 46 ml (3.25 tbsp) [/TR] [TR]
Medium (M)​
Greater than 1.75 oz. or 49.6 g 43 ml (3 tbsp) [/TR] [TR]
Small (S)​
Greater than 1.5 oz. or 42.5 g [/TR] [TR]
Greater than 1.25 oz. or 35.4 g [/TR]
Ron at what age did you find they started to lay.

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