8-10 week Silkie...cockerel or pullet...lots of pics


Jan 7, 2017
My Coop
My Coop




I am not exactly sure...I feel like I'm leaning towards pullet. If it develops more streamers and sickles it is probably a rooster, this is the easiest way to tell gender with silkies. Great pictures of this pretty bird!
How old? I would have said pullet till I saw the comb. It's not written in stone but pullets usually have a narrow comb and males have a hideous fat toad growing out of their head.
I am not exactly sure...I feel like I'm leaning towards pullet. If it develops more streamers and sickles it is probably a rooster, this is the easiest way to tell gender with silkies. Great pictures of this pretty bird!

Thank you!! Our sweet Guy (named after Guy from Diners, Drive in and Dives...white spikey hair, haha!) started crowing earlier this week! At least I think that's a crow. I don't necessarily notice the streamers or sickles, but maybe it's just harder to identify those in a silkie. Either way, Guy is growing into a pretty bird and has a very sweet disposition, so he stays no matter what!
How old? I would have said pullet till I saw the comb. It's not written in stone but pullets usually have a narrow comb and males have a hideous fat toad growing out of their head.

He was about 10 weeks in those photos, he's about 15 weeks now and I believe I heard him crow a few times earlier this week! Pretty sure it's a boy :) Thank you so much for the info, we now have a few more silkies and this will be helpful in identifying their gender! I'll probably post some pics of them later for feedback.

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