8.5 weeks old - Breed/Gender?


6 Years
Nov 12, 2017
Western Ohio
Purchased from the extra chick bin at Meyer hatchery. They are 8.5 weeks old. We think we know some breeds, but a few have me wondering if males. Supposed to all be females....

Unknown Breed/Gender: (Could it be an Austra White?)
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Buff Laced Polish: Gender?
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Salmon Faverolle (has 5 toes and feathered legs) - Gender? Males have very black feathers, so thinking female?
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Silver Spangled Hamburg (Gender??)
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Unknown White Bird (Breed / Gender??) Thinking white leghorn?
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Frost White Legbar (gender??) On Meyer website, the males and females hardly differ in the pictures they have up on the site.
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First one I would guess Delaware, looks pullet, polish, and faverolle looks pullet.

Hamburg I would think rooster, the next might be a white rock, can't quite see the comb, and the last one looks pullet to me.

Thx! The white birds are a bit harder - the one you think is white rock is well, all white like a few on the Meyer website, so I guess a few more weeks and try to take better pics.

SSH - hoping female, but I think might be a cockerel. A few more weeks will either show rounded saddle feathers or the beginnings of pointy saddle feathers. It is a pretty bird, though.

The Salmon Faverolle is so cute, and looks like a little owl when she hunkers down in the chilly weather.
Auctually, your pretty lucky to have only two....

They were sexed female. So, 2 males of 7 sexed females is close to a 30% error rate. 1 male would not have been overly surprising, but was not expecting even 1. But, we will wait to get confirmation that one or both are male and then decide what to do.
They were sexed female. So, 2 males of 7 sexed females is close to a 30% error rate. 1 male would not have been overly surprising, but was not expecting even 1. But, we will wait to get confirmation that one or both are male and then decide what to do.
Oh, I did not realize they were supposed to be female!

You can wait if you want, but I'm 100% positive on the males. No pullet at that age will have large red combs and wattles.

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