8 eggs set and go!

The other tiny egg had a very small very yellow baby, so hoping its a girl snowy! One brightly marked very scovy looking. Just 2 left they should be out by morning.
So much for not getting attached..little one on the far right? Pure call for sure, and I think its a drake...i call him Caesar
The other tiny egg had a very small very yellow baby, so hoping its a girl snowy! One brightly marked very scovy looking. Just 2 left they should be out by morning.
So much for not getting attached..little one on the far right? Pure call for sure, and I think its a drake...i call him Caesar

Awee, when is there actually due date?
Best ever yield, set 8 got 7 ducklings. I will put up pics tomorrow. Had to assist one, he was making cracks that kept gumming up again. He's doing great now, another pure call.
Had to let little last to pip go...after 24 + hours in incubator he could not stand up or open his eyes properly. I even put him in with the others for a bit to see if he would perk up, but I couldn't bear to see him sitting there like a wilted flower murmuring pitifully. I decided to end his suffering. Sorry little one
Best ever yield, set 8 got 7 ducklings. I will put up pics tomorrow. Had to assist one, he was making cracks that kept gumming up again. He's doing great now, another pure call.
Had to let little last to pip go...after 24 + hours in incubator he could not stand up or open his eyes properly. I even put him in with the others for a bit to see if he would perk up, but I couldn't bear to see him sitting there like a wilted flower murmuring pitifully. I decided to end his suffering. Sorry little one
I promise pics soon...kids and animals have run me ragged today. That last little call I got is the smallest I've ever seen!
YEH really well OK then where are they?? the pics, I think you just want to torment us. YEP, you just want to see her all to yourself. I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND FIND YOU JUST TO SEE THEM. lol

just kidding.. I won't hunt you down but I will find you. HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA
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Thats the tiny girl at the end with splotchy...I think splotchy (Clara) is Regina's kid. If so, she will stay

Tiny...Oh wow shes so little!

Right in the back corner, all yellow girl(vixen) Caesar in the foreground

Good shot of Tiny, Clara and Caesar

Caesar, SO CUTE!!

That little all yellow girl is really hiding. Im not sure she's pure call. Last year my Pekin Syanne had a daughter to a call boy, named Que. My mate told me my snowy calls must have white in them, because Que is white and there has to be two genes for it. I think Vixen is actually Que's daughter, she's just a touch bigger than the others but time will tell

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