8 mo old EE still not laying


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 6, 2011
Petunia is a 8 mo old Easter Egger and not 1 egg has she laid! Do they take longer to start? Other chickens I got at same time of different breed are laying. She was born in April so had all summer and fall, and I supplement light for the winter as the days are rather short right now here--my white rock that is her same age is laying great. She is obviously the brown one in the back of the pic..I was using the Cochin pic for another topic but thought you might want to see Petunia too...thanks!!

Well my EE chick hatched in may and started laying right on time BUT her two sisters (who belong not to me but a friend) have still not layer any eggs. Maybe some chickens take longer to mature? But either way it is winter and many hens stop laying then anyways. Less light and all that, if not soon she will probably start laying in spring. Good luck!

(Also your rooster is gorgeous)
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Petunia is very pretty, but some just take longer than others. Do you have a closer up picture of her, I think she is a hen I just like looking at all the pretty chickens!
Here you go..a better pic of Petunia, I never questioned her being a Roo but I guess it's possible?

Do u have a roo, if not she may have taken over for the missing roo. This happens in the absence of the roo. She may be the most valuable hen u have.
my two EEs took a little longer than my other breeds but both have also stopped laying for the winter. so maybe b/c its winter they just never started??
She looks a lot like my EE, Pearl. Pearl laid one egg, waited a couple of weeks, laid another, and then (at 32 weeks, I believe) is suddenly kicking out 4-5/week in spite of the short days. So perhaps yours is a late bloomer as well.

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