8-week Easter Egger "pullet" - is it actually? *Updated 10-week pics pg 3 - Boy or girl?*

I say cockerel. At 8 weeks, she shows lots of red in that comb. No way that's a pullet, IMO, sorry. I could certainly be wrong here, but after raising so many Ameraucanas and a few EEs, I've never had any pullets show that much red at 8 weeks of age.

Here is an EE pullet at 12 weeks old, a full month older that your bird--see how her comb is still barely even pink yet?

I thought a while back someone told me you could tell by the number of rows of beads on the comb. Does that sound familiar?
I thought a while back someone told me you could tell by the number of rows of beads on the comb. Does that sound familiar?

Not exactly correct. Both sexes end up with three rows of knobs/peas on the comb, however, males get theirs before the females and the redness shows first as well. Females have the center row of peas show first then both sides sort of rise up later. Also, the males' combs tend to be broader at the back end than females. So, it's really a combination of things.
Not exactly correct. Both sexes end up with three rows of knobs/peas on the comb, however, males get theirs before the females and the redness shows first as well. Females have the center row of peas show first then both sides sort of rise up later. Also, the males' combs tend to be broader at the back end than females. So, it's really a combination of things.
Thanks. I couldn’t remember.

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