8-week Easter Egger "pullet" - is it actually? *Updated 10-week pics pg 3 - Boy or girl?*


Sorry wordgirl for not posting my pic back sooner. These are my EE's when they were around 16-18 weeks old. Missy is the one with the white head in front similar to yours. Notice also Brownie on the right...she has pointy tailfeather too. I think it depends on what was crossbred into these chickens.

Im still saying Sneaky is a pullet, but I'll try to stay tuned. Eeither we'll hear about eggs or crowing....lol.
Just saw this thread tonight. What an interesting EE you have! Not obvious one way or another.

I think Sneaky is a tomboy!!!

Well, really either a late developing cockerel or a boyish pullet. If forced to choose, I would say pullet due to the even color pattern. Will be interesting to see the answer to this puzzle.
O.k. I'm revising my guess. I say - a hen according to the comb and a cockerel according to the tail. Twelve weeks and still no crowing....so I say now a hen....or maybe a half/half - except split horizontally instead of longitudinally. ETA here's the term: Gynandromorphs


so you will have to keep updating us on the mystery chicken!!
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When I first read this posting I thought someone had came by the house and took pictures of my "Gravy", looks identical to mine, I've not taken pics for a few weeks because nothing has changed much but she/he is 12 weeks also, I'm voting girl for yours and for mine!!!!

Gravy's comb is nice and red also been that way since 4 or 5 weeks but never has grown any just pink and red.
When I first read this posting I thought someone had came by the house and took pictures of my "Gravy", looks identical to mine, I've not taken pics for a few weeks because nothing has changed much but she/he is 12 weeks also, I'm voting girl for yours and for mine!!!!

Gravy's comb is nice and red also been that way since 4 or 5 weeks but never has grown any just pink and red.

I remember Gravie! Thought of her(?) when I saw Sneaky. Long lost twins, aren't they! Both have those big legs too. My EE pullet did as well, and she grew into them. I think she weighs more than my Buff Orp or Australorp! Still leaning toward pullet for both of yours!
Gravy's as red as she was a few weeks back and still nothing has changed in her coloring she's just gotten a lot bigger!

I'm going to try and take some pics and post them here, they look so much alike it's freaky.
Ya tough choice, I have an Ancona that I really thought was a cockerel, but no, she is a she for sure now.

This is her at about 18 weeks, I know this dosn't help much.
Any crowing yet? Sneaky's comb it as red at 12 weeks and my EE's (just turned) at18 weeks. Mine has been a pale red until the last 3 days it's started getting redder. I am still thinking Sneaky is a cockerel. Update???

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