8-week Easter Egger "pullet" - is it actually? *Updated 10-week pics pg 3 - Boy or girl?*

Her tail reminds me of my Ancona hen. She was 18 weeks in this pic.

We totally thought she was a rooster, but now we get white eggs. :)
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I'm confused,,, isn't she an Easter Egger? Why are her eggs white?

Thought they laid blue or green eggs.

I'm confused,,, isn't she an Easter Egger? Why are her eggs white?

Thought they laid blue or green eggs.


Are you talking about Mac14's picture? That's an Ancona, not an EE. She was only showing another female chicken with an arc in her tail.

But yes, sometimes you'll get an EE that lays white or brown eggs because in the breeding program, they failed to preserve the blue egg gene. IMO, that makes the offspring barnyard mixes rather than EEs but others would argue that having EE parentage makes them EEs regardless of egg color.
right, gotcha,, I misuderstood.

I think if one wants an EE, is should def have the blue/green egg gene for breeding!

Okay SO now I am wondering, What color egg did Sneaky lay?
My EE is now 31.5 weeks and still no eggs yet.

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