8 week old Australorp - gender?


The Cuckoo Lady
Premium Feather Member
Jul 23, 2023
Atascadero, CA
I just can't tell, I need help. Is this a pullet or a cockerel? The Australorp, black chicken.


Tinki has it out for the Australorp. She picks on her pretty hard. That photo of them together, she was having a stare down, then nipped the australorp on the back of the neck so many times that she took off running. 🤷‍♀️

I hope it's a pullet. The Barnevelder goes to his new home next week. If I have another rooster I'll be bummed.
I'd go with pullet. Granted all ours showed big and red by 3-4 weeks, I have lots of photos on my posts of our BAs if you search my name and Australorp. And I say that bc by 8 weeks is when we donated them to the auction. The boys were fighting and starting to crow.
I can understand that completely. Lol.

I think it's a pullet about 80% of the time I watch them. Whatever it is, it's the dumbest chicken of the group. Not to offend anyone, or the breed. She's just stupid. 😶
It's probably a pullet, then...

(I can say that, being female myself!)

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