8 week old barnyard mix, male or female?

Distinguishing between a cockerel and a pullet can't be done based on one factor, like pointy tail feathers. There are other signs and factors that, taken together, can make the difference. Like size and redness of the comb and wattles, thickness of legs, appearance of thin, pointy saddle feathers, variance of the shape and length of tail feathers, behavior (even as babies, the boys are more assertive, girls more timid), and so on. Of course it can vary from breed to breed, and at different ages.... so it's not always easy to tell until they either crow or lay an egg.

This spring, I posted some photos of a few 8-10-week old mostly black chicks that I had trouble identifying - and I usually have no trouble. They had some of the signs of a cockerel, but not enough to be certain. I needed help. A couple of members here ID'd them as cockerels based on a tiny spot of red feathers on their shoulders, and that was due to the hybrid breed. They were right.

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