8 week old Mallards Sex Please

Miss Lydia

~Gift of God ~ Eternal Life ~John 3:16-17
Premium Feather Member
14 Years
Oct 3, 2009
Mountains of Western N.C.
@Luv Ducks would like to know sex of her Mallards anyone know?
Wow, hard to tell from that picture but the one in the middle has brighter orange legs, a more rust colored chest and a different bill color than the other three. I am thinking he is a drake and the other three are hens.
I surely hope that you are right. I have sent more pictures to Miss Lydia so hopefully you can tell better by them. I listed them on Craigslist and then sent a picture to a prospective buyer and they said they were all Hens and not interested. I didn't know how they could tell because to me in the sunlight they all look the same with the darker chests and greenish bills other than one is turning yellow. Thank you for your thoughts.
I surely hope that you are right. I have sent more pictures to Miss Lydia so hopefully you can tell better by them. I listed them on Craigslist and then sent a picture to a prospective buyer and they said they were all Hens and not interested. I didn't know how they could tell because to me in the sunlight they all look the same with the darker chests and greenish bills other than one is turning yellow. Thank you for your thoughts.
Your buyer probably doesn’t know that they all start out looking very similar. If so, they aren’t very knowledgeable about ducks and it might be a good thing they didn’t get them. I am not that experienced with sexing Mallards, but I do not think yours are all the same. I still think three and one. How are they sounding? Are you hearing any quacks? Either way, drakes will start to show dark green feathers around their bills pretty soon as they start to molt into breeding plumage and it will be clear.

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