80 degrees out today, and I winterized

Mom 2em All

14 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Dora, Alabama
I put a sun porch type contraption on my coop today.
Their roof is such that any rain/snow that falls off was going to fall onto their board that leads into their pophole. So, I put on an addition-about 3 feet by four feet.It is the same height as that side of the coop- five foot. On the one end, I used plexiglass so that the sun can shine through. The other end is open, but I stood a bale of hay on its end, to make somewhat of a wall. Then, right above their pophole I gave them a roost. I figure that they can hang out there during the day when the snow is all over the ground, or rainy days. They will be protected from the wind, etc and still be out of their coop when they want.
I like your idea of winterizing the run. I have been toying with the idea of winterizing mine . We hardly saw 80 degrees here all summer (4 tomatoes, no squash) and I feel so bad for my little pullets. They got put outside only a couple of weeks ago and it is already chilly 65 day and 45 night . They have been staying pretty much inside the coop. They hardly know what outside is .
My husband saw it this morning and told me I did a pretty good job...
My chickens like it. I already feel so bad for them, because I know soon their little world is going to be full of snow.
I am going to put burlap up across the split rail fence today to make sort of a wind-break for them.

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