


love it, lol!
We have contests!


1. Guess the number of egg set for the Hatch a long.

Post your best guess for the total number of eggs set in the hatch a long in the main thread. Please do not post the number of eggs set in the thread.

Prize: BYC Calendar

2. Best Hatch Rate

First Prize: BYC Store gift card
Second Prize: BYC 2017 Calendar

participants will need to be setting a minimum of 6 eggs​
These can be under broodies or in your incubators. Send @ronott1 a pm letting him know how many you will have cooking. We'll need that info​
by the 3rd of Jan at the latest
to be included in the contest. When the hatch is over,​
you'll take a pic and post it to show us how many​
you actually hatched.​
The picture must be of sufficient quality to count all the chicks.​
In the event of a tie, the one who hatches the most chicks wins.​

More to come.
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We have contests! [COLOR=B22222]Contests![/COLOR] [COLOR=800000]1. Guess the number of egg set for the Hatch a long.[/COLOR] [COLOR=800000] Post your best guess for the total number of eggs set in the hatch a long in the main thread. Please do not post the number of eggs set in the thread. [/COLOR] [COLOR=800000] Prize: BYC Calendar[/COLOR] [COLOR=800000]2. [/COLOR][COLOR=8B4513]Best Hatch Rate[/COLOR] [COLOR=8B4513]First Prize: BYC Store gift card Second Prize: BYC 2015 Calendar
participants will need to be setting a minimum of 6 eggs​
These can be under broodies or in your incubators. Send @ronott1 a pm letting him know how many you will have cooking. We'll need that info​
by the 3rd of Jan at the latest
to be included in the contest. When the hatch is over,​
you'll take a pic and post it to show us how many​
you actually hatched.​
he picture must be of sufficient quality to count all the chicks
In the event of a tie, the one who hatches the most chicks wins.​
[/COLOR] More to come.
Can I jump in? I will be setting eggs tonight and tomorrow. I don't have an official number yet because I will be setting today's and tomorrow's eggs as well as the 2doz I already have collected.

It is great to have you back hatching with Us!
I'll be setting eggs today. My shipped eggs can't wait any longer to go in. I was just holding out for the first day that counts lol. I'll be setting again on Tuesday since that's the last day that counts. Just whatever my silkie pullet happens to lay by then :) Who are we sending our total egg count to? For future reference.
PM them to Ron

Second Prize: BYC 2015 Calendar
is this vintage calendars as prizes now?


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