8x10 floor plan


7 Years
Oct 6, 2012
Drumright, OK
This is the floor plan I've come up with for our existing 8x10 building. We have 40 hens/pullets, and yes I know this is not enough space for them but I wasn't aware of space recommendations until after we had the 40.. They have a covered run, and free range for the better part of the day. Would appreciate any comments/suggestions. Thanks!

The pop door will be on the wall opposite the door, and the nest boxes are double-- one on top of the other.
please excuse the primitive drawing.. Sketchup and I are not friends
It seems nice. Have you thought about adding pooping boards under the roosts. It saves a lot of time (and money) for cleaning.
My coop is 6 by 8 and we ended up with 24 hens. The girls are completely fine because they have a large run and we live in So Cal, so it's never too cold or too rainy for the girls to stay inside. Our coop is elevated (it gives more space in the run) and during the day they always hang out under the coop, they love it. So if they free range or have a big run, I will not worry ;)
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We are planning on deep litter. I don't want to commit to scraping/scooping poo every day. Ours hang out in the woods right by their coop/run when they free range. I know our weather in OK isn't as good as So Cal but its pretty mild most of the time. I'm trying not to worry about the space, thanks so much for your reply!
yes, I had planned to put waterer right by the door but since DH built the nest boxes so big it's going to have to go across the coop. And I plan to downsize the flock, well actually just not replace if/when we lose some.
A plan that will work for sure if you free range, as I do. I have also considered cutting a door into the outside so i can access the feeder. I usually feed at 10 and again at 5 but like to keep some dry crumbles available so I'm not ambushed...I can always tell when i need to refill it. Waterer stays outside.
Debated on just keeping water outside. We have a light timer to keep egg production up, it comes on at 4am. I thought they would need food and water available during that time? Would they venture out into the dark run for water? We keep crumbles available at all times, and I give scratch am and pm with kitchen scraps if we have them.
Yes, you thought right, water is more important than food for egg layers. Mine go out as soon as the photosensor opens the door. (Lazy me) I also have a knack for spilling it on my dry floor, and too, the sun thaws it on cold days. I haven't used a light for production ever...since I already have more eggs than I know what to do with and if they slow down a bit in the winter or brooding I don't even notice. (I think they may live longer taking an egg break) last winter was so sunny, I don't think any stopped laying really.
Well, we are new at this.. I am selling some eggs, just to friends and work people to help cover feed costs. I am never going to make a profit, lol! I'm pretty good at watering without spilling thanks to a good hose and sprayer nozzle. Photosensor door sounds like a great investment! I'll add that to my long list of wants..
Well, I'm sure that when you get tired of trooping out to the coop twice a day, then wondering if you remembered to close the coop at midnight...that long list will get short....haha...as mine did...now I want another for the broody side of the coop.

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