9 day old chick appears to be staggering


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10 Years
Aug 5, 2009
north shore of Lake Erie
As of today (day 9) one of my BCM chicks appears to be staggering a bit, like it's having trouble with balance. No sign of injury or illness. Eyes clear. No discharge. It is eating, drinking, pooping, and keeping up with the other chicks. It can walk just fine. Legs are properly under it. It just seems wobbly today, sometimes dropping a wing slightly and bending its tail, like it thinks it's going to fall over. I have 24 chicks altogether. This is the only one with any sort of issue. Am I just being paranoid or is something developing? (They are on a medicated chick starter feed and I clean their waterers multiple times daily. All are inside the house in brooders with heat lamps. I changed the shavings today. Fed hard boiled egg for the first time yesterday.)
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The chicks are now 2 weeks old and there doesn't appear to be any change in the staggering. No worse, no better. No one else is having any trouble. The chick is eating and pooping. Growth and feathering is keeping up with the others. Anybody have any ideas at all?

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