9 month old hen has a real 'comb-over'

Haha yep I'm their slave.

Currently I've Legbar, Polish, Black link, Amberlink, Silkie, Guinea Fowl, and Seramas, I'm hoping to hatch ducks and bantams in the spring.
What about you?

I live in the country here and love it, wow your family's home sounds lovely.
Some of Belfast can be very rough I've heard.
I've a Barred Rock, Sapphire Gem, Cuckoo Marans and Buff Ameraucana. I live in a remote area in the Cascade mountains. There's lots of predators - bears, cougars, wolves, coyotes, eagles, etc., but it's beautiful here. If you've been to Switzerland in the Alps, it's much like that but wilder. However wild it is, I've finally found a source for an absolute necessity: Barry's gold blend! After working in refugee camps for 20+ yrs, I now allow myself some luxuries. Clotted cream is difficult to find, but Barry's is a must have. :drool
That's lovely! wow, nice flock and amazing place to live, I love wild mountains.
And those animals sound amazing, I wish wolves were not all killed off here (though I wouldn't think that if they visited my coop!).

Haha, clotted cream is quite the luxury. I've never visited the Alps, but I'd love too one day.

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