9 week old Leghorn not standing/eating/drinking - Help!

Well, she's still alive. Yesterday she could support her weight with her right leg but had no balance. She's still eating and drinking a little for us. She's a fighter!! Still giving her yogurt and Pedialyte along with her food.

If it was Marek's would she still be alive? It's been 4 days.
I they find a small piece of metal (screw, nail, anything shiny) they could eat it. It causes metal toxicity. I'm not an expert, I just read about it myself. I'm trying everything I can find that may be wrong with poor little Betty! I'm hoping this is it - and looking for any information about it. And today I made a sling to put her in so she isn't laying on her side.
What you are dealing with is some form of neurotoxin poisoning or possibly Marek's, which also affects motor function. And no, chickens don't always die from Marek's, most do, but a few can get better, though they always will have the disease. And chickens can get it even if vaccinated. It's like our flu in that there are many strains and the vaccine doesn't allow for developing resistance to some of them.

If it's Marek's there really isn't anything you can do. If it's a toxin, you might be able to counter it with and Epsom salt drench about a teaspoon in a cup of water. You may have to syringe it into her beak. This purges the intestines to help prevent further absorption of the toxin. You can follow up with a molasses flush which does the same thing but it helps condition the intestines.

After that is vitamin therapy. Vitamin E oil 400iu with a sliver of selenium and B-complex daily to help repair the damage to her nervous system.

This may not work if it's Marek's or if she's already suffered irreversible damage to her nervous system. But it's worth a try.
The only thing she can do is lay on her side with her legs straight out.
I should mention that she does kick her legs around and try to flap her wings. She just cannot stand up. When I pick her up and hold her on her feet her feet are not in the proper position and she cannot support herself. But she can move her legs and wings.
Will they still get it if they’ve been vaccinated?
Do you have a video of her actions?
I'm sorry to hear about your chick.
I agree with the others it does sound like she is suffering from Marek's. Vitamin therapy as suggested by @azygous won't hurt. Some people place their chickens in a sling to help them stay upright and possibly strengthen their legs.

The Marek's vaccine only prevents the formation of tumors, it does not prevent infection by the virus. You may want to give this article a read - it's very informative and thorough http://www.backyardchickens.com/a/the-great-big-giant-mareks-disease-faq

Do what you can to keep her hydrated and eating. If you happen to lose her, then sending the body for testing/necropsy to your state lab http://vetmed.illinois.edu/vet-resources/veterinary-diagnostic-laboratory/ would be a good idea.
Wow! Great information!

We’ve been giving her b vitamins - yes we have to syringe them into her mouth. I just read about flushing yesterday. I have Epsom salts - will try that today. Need to get molasses. I will search for how to do it.

And we made her a sling yesterday. Need to figure out how to keep her potty from making her uncomfortable

I’ve been making a gruel out of her food and pedialyte and syringe feeding her that.

I’m amazed she’s still alive

Thank you all!! I will keep you posted...

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